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End of the audio writers as we know :-)

Only v3 stops at 2021. V4 has access to the entire web in real time.
Not the general release of Gpt4 as available in chatgpt plus (it will tell you as much if you ask about recent event) . The plug in version apparently can access the Web but that is hard to get access to.

Bing can access the Web but the results are a bit random.
Only v3 stops at 2021. V4 has access to the entire web in real time.

Haha. That's as accurate as the average ChatGPT generative text answer. Or maybe less. :)
Haha. That's as accurate as the average ChatGPT generative text answer. Or maybe less. :)
Correct me then instead of laughing at my face. Are you always rude?
Not the general release of Gpt4 as available in chatgpt plus (it will tell you as much if you ask about recent event) . The plug in version apparently can access the Web but that is hard to get access to.

Bing can access the Web but the results are a bit random.
Former times I used to add a robots.txt entry to some of my own websites whose content I didn't want to appear in the internet wayback machine. Unfortunately, it does not longer work that way today.

User-agent: ia_archiver
Disallow: /

But now, there is also something comparable to exclude ChatGBT that should work.

For newer content, it is possible to block Common Crawl. Since 2008, this non-commercial organisation has been creating a copy of the internet, which it makes available free of charge to researchers, companies and private individuals. This huge database accounted for 60 percent of GPT-3's training data. To prevent the database from tapping into your texts, all you have to do is change the robots.txt file of the website and add the instruction:

User-agent: CCBot
Disallow: /

A third case is plugins that complement ChatGPT. OpenAI explains that you can also block them by editing the robots.txt file with the statement:

User-agent: ChatGPT-User
Disallow: /

The directive can also be modified to exclude only certain parts of the site or to explicitly allow plugins to collect content from the site, OpenAI says in its documentation.
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It’s absolutely impressive how an AI can come up with this, while having absolutely no knowledge of what it is saying :).
The same is true for many "golden ears".
What's more impressive is how cable marketers can come up with this, while having absolutely no knowledge of what it is saying :D
Our trolls have demonstrated to me that actual knowledge is detrimental to BS production.
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