Why don't we see what Merging, creator of DXD (hi-res PCM) and big supporter of DSD, developer of both worlds, has to say about the formats?
and practitioner of both world, 2L (Lindberg Lyd)
The advantages of DXD for SACD
How about "micro" dynamics, aka impulse response?
A slightly late reply but I still want to write about it.
The Adobe Audition 1.5 I use was released in 2004 and it supports up to 10MHz and 32-bit so I wonder what's so special about the "creator" of DXD. It is just a natural process that hardware evolved to support higher rates, just like x86 processors started to achieve 1GHz 18 years ago.
The pdf mentioned SACD so it means DSD64. I would use a real example in 2L's website, the last one in their list, 2L-053 since this music contains more real high frequency content than other demos. Also, there is a very long quiet part at the end.
In the DXD version, noise begins to show up at about 40kHz.
In the 24/96 version, that noise got filtered since 24/96 can only resolve up to 48kHz.
In the DSD64 version, after converting to the "SACD edit format" (DXD), the noise is so huge that I can't even see where the music ends. The spectrum closely resembles those DSD promotional materials. What does it mean? The illustration that DSD has a sharp impulse surrounded by silence is a complete lie, in reality any and all impulses will be buried into noise and invisible in time domain.
How about removing some ultrasonic crap? Sure it is possible, but the impulse will also be filtered. I used a cutoff point at about 40kHz. Once filtered, impulse response will be similar to 96kHz PCM, but not as good since there is still noise above 24kHz. Remember, even the lowest DSD64 has a bitrate of 5644.8kbps and 24/96 is only 4608kbps.
Now, let's see what an inexpensive modern DAC can achieve.
Flat noise floor up to at least 90kHz unless people decide to use some exotic filters. Even with those filters the noise floor only increased by a small amount.
Even a cheap old soundcard in 2005 has lower ultrasonic noise than what SACD can achieve.