Absolutely not. I am confident if you ask Sean he will tell you the same thing. You are setting a standard of 100% accuracy and such a thing simply doesn't exist. It doesn't exist for speakers and certainly doesn't exist for headphones where our measurement abilities are more limited. I have said repeatedly that objective headphone assessments are 60 to 70% prescriptive. That is heck of a lot more than zero and at the risk of stating the obvious, it is not 100%.
This is the sort of answer I've seen you write several times already and it's a bit trite in my view. In situ variation and the evaluation of transfer function between measurement rigs and individuals is quantifiable, and if sound quality is what you're after, good engineering mandates that the headphones should be designed to produce a predictable and stable frequency response on actual individuals. There is literally no point in targeting any target of any sort if the in situ response swings widely and unpredictably.
Some headphones are simply more suited to that task than other, whether because the type naturally is less prone to coupling issues (typically, open back dynamics for example, or at lower frequencies headphones with an effective feedback system), or because conscious efforts were made to solve that problem (or just plain luck, let's face it I am not certain that most headphones manufacturers are particularly aware of that issue).
And this is what a review at the very least should try to make people aware of : is this pair of headphones more or less properly engineered so that it can effectively deliver the target it aims at ?
You have been linking to Sean's powerpoint. I have trouble accepting all that there is there without a paper to read with all the detail.
The captation method is similar to what they've already used years ago in the Harman papers, and I can think of a dozen articles on AES on that subject, which you must surely have already read.
Personally, I have always disliked testing that shows the range of responses and then averaging them. It is trivial to misposition a headphone on a fixture, or on your head. It makes no sense to show that, nor does it make sense to average that in some kind of final response. Averaging is a lousy low pass filter anyway. As you probably know, there is no exact science on how you put a headphone on someone's head. There is variability in that very thing. But sure, I can design a headphone with adjustable clamping pressure and soft enough pads to get lower variance.
Some headphones don't require users to be quite as diligent as others in terms of how they position them on their head, and I'd argue that after some expected fiddling with headband extension good headphones should sound good where they naturally fall on one's head.
Besides, if the response significantly varies with positioning on one's head, how is the listener supposed to know
how it varies ? You're still shooting in the dark as I wrote.
Again, if sound quality is what you're after, well engineered headphones should simply be capable of delivering a predictable and stable FR.
I don't know how in the context of going over literature, we all of a sudden want to rationalize such statements made by someone in totally uncontrolled and anecdotal experience. No way can you assign cause and effect there unless you test the person and even then there are pitfalls as I mentioned above. I hear those comments day in and day out from owners of products. It is not something I can act on or value in my testing. Can they be right? Sure. But since we can't put any weight behind such subjective remarks, that is that.
The proper way to respond to that is not to believe them then. But to help them conduct a controlled test with equalization.
I know that you like to think that your method of using EQ to validate whether or not the measurements you've made are representative of your experience is objective, but it's just another form of admittedly enlightened subjective impression, and just as I would not expect anyone to take mine seriously, I don't see why anyone should consider yours seriously either.
Besides, there might one human among the 8+ billion of us which head just happens to perfectly match a 45CA, but you're probably not one of them, and I'm ready to bet my entire headphones collection that if we were to make in situ measurements on your head after equalising them to the same target on a fixture, we'd see rather wild variations as well... some headphones being much worse offenders than others (and that's the whole point of trying to evaluate which ones are).
Getting back to what I said: "When the response resembles the dashed line, you can have high confidence that you will like the sound. If not, you can apply a bit of EQ but the response should be close."
That is absolutely correct.
Anyone who's seen inter-individual variation graphs of the sort posted above (or read the literature on that subject) should logically think that this is not the case. Any other position is stubborn irrationality at this point and shows an incapacity to cogently engage with the data presented.
It even addresses your concern by saying you may have to adjust things. But that you start with a very good starting point that should be close to optimal as opposed to getting a headphone with wild frequency response. Surely that headphone doesn't magically get better with moving a few mm here and there on your head.
The Stealth's frequency response
is wild... in terms of how it varies on actual individuals. This, alongside the average across listeners in situ response not matching the on fixture response even remotely, is why it's absolutely not well suited as a "very good starting point".
Use something like the HD800S instead (for this one we actually have repeated measurements of in situ behaviour from multiple sources, and have some idea of its sample variation).