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Buckeye Amps: 2nd Generation Purifi EIGENTAKT 1ET9040BA Amplifier

Sticking with the OPA1656.
There was also a little bit of confusion when talking with Purifi....their EVAL 1-3 boards use the 1612 and their EVAL4 board uses the 1656. In the grand scheme of things, both are ideal choices. So we stuck with the OPA1656 (it actually had slightly better noise measurements over the 1612 once put into the full design).

It's really nice Buckeye has the gear on hand to make these kinds of judgment calls (OPA1612 vs OPA1656) before production. Would it also be possible to publish Watts used (at the outlet) while idle before the 10 minute energy reduction window kicks in? I have found for most normal listening levels this data is usually within a watt or two of the average power used by the amp. Thank you!
It's really nice Buckeye has the gear on hand to make these kinds of judgment calls (OPA1612 vs OPA1656) before production. Would it also be possible to publish Watts used (at the outlet) while idle before the 10 minute energy reduction window kicks in? I have found for most normal listening levels this data is usually within a watt or two of the average power used by the amp. Thank you!
Yes, I can get that out as well once I get caught up on existing orders.
Anyone, who already got their 1ET9040 builds care to share how do they sound, please? Any differences/similarities with 1ET400?
Thank you!
Anyone, who already got their 1ET9040 builds care to share how do they sound, please? Any differences/similarities with 1ET400?
Thank you!
To save you some pain, they will steadfastly lambaste anyone claiming a 400 sounds different than a 7040 from a 9040 from any other amp that measures about the same. You’ll just get attacked for asking about sound differences between these amps unless you’re talking at power levels where one of the amps won’t have sufficient.

Similarly asking about modern op amp sound comparisons for those performant modern ones will earn you the same gleeful scorn. I don’t even dare mention my power cords or isolation platforms ;)
What "sound" should be expected from your point of view? :cool:
I don't have my "point of view" since I don't own either of them but there should be some differences if the one is twice more expensive than the other, except the pure power, or...?
Like better grip, tighter bass, etc. or no difference at all - you tell if you have both amps and blind A/B tested them.
If you haven't then you are not helping much!
To save you some pain, they will steadfastly lambaste anyone claiming a 400 sounds different than a 7040 from a 9040 from any other amp that measures about the same. You’ll just get attacked for asking about sound differences between these amps unless you’re talking at power levels where one of the amps won’t have sufficient.

Similarly asking about modern op amp sound comparisons for those performant modern ones will earn you the same gleeful scorn. I don’t even dare mention my power cords or isolation platforms ;)
Thank you!
Regretted that I ask! :)
You could have known before asking ... :cool:
(Why? ASR is a library full of technical stuff and skills around audio and even beyond, and reading as well as understanding all this may take months, maybe years, at actual state of data, but feel free to use search and you will get what answers the question)
there should be some differences if the one is twice more expensive than the other
Why? What is the difference in jewelry that is twice more expensive? Hardness? Shine? - No, brand.
Why? What is the difference in jewelry that is twice more expensive? Hardness? Shine? - No, brand.
Yea but also not the same here (both are Purifi brand, for one).

To be clear, there are measurable differences between the two and the cost difference largely reflects the greater power output of the 9040BA over the 400A while maintaining lower distortion and noise floor. It is, for simplest terms, Purifis new SOTA.

Will someone hear an audible difference over the 400A? Unless they were pushing the limits of the 400A and hearing distortion or clipping, probably not, no.
You could have known before asking ... :cool:
(Why? ASR is a library full of technical stuff and skills around audio and even beyond, and reading as well as understanding all this may take months, maybe years, at actual state of data, but feel free to use search and you will get what answers the question)
Again "helpful" reply - "do your search" - thank you!
Imagine that I did my technical research here and found the following:
* 9040 is about 70% more powerful than 400 at 4Ohms
* 9040 measures better than 400
* 9040 uses different (bridged) topology with lower voltage PS rails that 400
* 9040 is twice more expensive than 400
...and after all these I still have the question - is there any audible difference between them - yes or no?
Thank you!
Will someone hear an audible difference over the 400A? Unless they were pushing the limits of the 400A and hearing distortion or clipping, probably not, no.
Also just realized if your original comparison regarding price differences and brand was more meant why some people sell the 9040 mono for twice (or more) than the 400a mono....that definitely makes sense.
Thank you for the informative and fair reply!
Also....there is a refresh coming to the 400a so the gap will be even closer to the 9040 (outside of power and current). Can't give specifics yet.
Double the power would be 3 dB. What matters is the audible result.
There are circumstances when there are "audible results" - you know it, I know it, Purifi knows it and that's why they produce this model and people buy it!
Why do we even argue about this??
There are circumstances when there are "audible results" - you know it, I know it, Purifi knows it and that's why they produce this model and people buy it!
Why do we even argue about this??
Most the time I think the argument is expected to be binary: either something is an audible difference or it isn't.

However, at the level of performance we are talking, it is not a binary answer. And a lot of variables come into play.

Which is why a lot of us use the terms Measurable difference and Audible difference.
There are certainly noticeable measurable differences...but that doesn't always translate to an audible difference.

For instance, a measured SNR of 114dB vs 109dB is certainly a measurable difference. But in a consumer setup, outside of some unique variables, it is very unlikely to be an audible difference.
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