Frequency response data added to the review post.
Here are some thoughts about the EQ and a remark about
@amirm preferences.
Notes about the EQ design:
- The average L/R is used to calculate the score.
- The resolution is 12 points per octave interpolated from the raw data (provided by ASR)
- A Genetic Algorithm is used to optimize the EQ.
- The EQ Score is designed to MAXIMIZE the Score WHILE fitting the Harman target curve with a fixed complexity.
This will avoid weird results if one only optimizes for the Score.
It will probably flatten the Error regression doing so, the tonal balance should be more neutral.
- The EQs are starting point and may require tuning (certainly at LF low-shelf and at HF high-shelf).
- The range above 10kHz is usually not EQed unless smooth enough to do so.
- I am using PEQ (PK) as from my experience the definition is more consistent across different DSP/platform implementations than shelves.
- With some HP/amp combo the boosts and preamp gain need to be carefully considered to avoid issues
Good L/R match.
I have generated one EQ, the
APO config files are attached.
Score no EQ: 61.4
Score Armirm EQ: 59.1
Score with EQ: 92.9
I have noticed that
@amirm seems to prefer EQing the headphone to a descending slope 6-9dB from 40Hz to 10kHz.
this is more noticeable on the following headsets:
- Beyer T1
- AKG K371
- Fidelio X2HR
- DCA Aeon RT
I have recalculated the score by modifying the Harman curve to +3dB LF and -1.5dB at HF
Both mods are within what we should expect in terms of individual "taste" according to
@Sean Olive.
The results seems to better correlate with amirm track record in any case.
Interestingly enough the scores are modified as following:
Score no EQ: 75.9 (big bump there)
Score Armirm EQ: 77.5
Score with EQ: 89.1
This time the EQ devised by Amirm does show an improvement, albeit minor, contrary to the case in which the default target curve is used.
In addition, there is a better correlation between his EQ and the "optimal" target curve in particular in the 1-6kHz range.
The EQ I generated might sound too bright for him...
Amirm seems to like a bit more bass and bit less HF than the majority, big deal...
Can it be related to his loudspeaker preference (i.e. PIR slope)?
Here is the data with the modified Target curve: