Finished watching The Glory as well as Vincenzo! (random picks, thanks for the long backlist now!

) Both were really enjoyable! The Glory first episode was pretty hard to watch, but the rest were far more easier, thank god... Turned out to be really good in the end!
Vincenzo, a sort of comedy drama, was quite enjoyable as well. It's weird how they manage to go from goofy to serious in a fraction of a second, and still somehow manage to retain the overall tension and seriousness of the show. Everything 'asia' just screams talent to me... Even the music; the atmosphere, acting, scripts/stories,
Had started Assassination, but there just seems something really strange about the setting; sort of eastern wild wild west with martial artists with guns... It probably is historically representative/accurate, but less common in cinematography; felt a little odd. Also seemed more action movie than others; not bad per se, as there are many martial arts movies with lots of actions; but just felt really strange mix, and looking at the poster; the hats; reminds me again of the far west, so like it's trying too hard to imitate eastern movies/culture maybe? And just feels odd because we're too used to the original?
Squid game had a game show release where competitors compete for money... The original show was good, but this reality TV show based on the show...

Physical 100 and Devil's Plan were decent/good, for someone who doesn't really watch such shows, was again interesting to see differences of culture and stuff. But that squid game show........... Managed to watch a few episodes using 8x speed, but horrible...
Same with Rebel Moon... Surprising they can make such garbage, well, until you're reminded that the west is no longer a meritocracy. Rated 5.8 on imdb, sounds very high to me, a movie which can only be finished using 8x speed, so uninvolving, sigh inducing, where "that's so dumb..." is the recurrent reaction to every scene ... Sigh... 2.5/10 maybe because of the visual effects, but, I mean it's so bad... It's like a nicely wrapped turd. Might be nicely wrapped, but it's still a turd.