When was the 1.9.5 released?
What gentleman?
I didn't see this post. The firmware update I mentioned was
not the ARC G software 1.9.5, but the firmware for the unit itself.
You can see that publicly they did not mention the bass response issue, but they probably go it covered other the last item, i.e. "other......improvements"
The bass fix I referred to was originally directly from Anthem's customer support. I typically don't want to copy/paste such responses on forums but if you are interested in seeing it, PM me.
It is hard to believe FW update for the unit would affect ARC G performance, never seen that happened in my experience with Denon and Marantz, but we are talking about Anthem.
Regardless, if you have not updated to FW 80, please do, you may be (or may be not
) nicely surprised. For me, it does improve the results based on my REW measurements, but I am sure the improvements/effects would depend on the individual set up, i.e. speakers/subwoofers and their placements. I still have to do a fair bit of post calibration tweaking because I want pretty graphs, but with FW 80, the untweaked results are much closer to my minimum requirements.
From Anthem website:
Network Module Version: 2.3.213
Host firmware 80
- Improved Dolby Vision compatibility with some devices
- Fixed issue that could lead to audible distortion
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements