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acoustic problems in my home studio (garage)- please help


New Member
Jan 25, 2023
Hello everybody,

I have a home studio in my garage (6.20x4x2.60 meters).
I did an acoustic treatment with DIY bass traps using rock wool with a density of 70 (120x60x8cm each).
I placed them at the points of the first reflection using the mirror technique.
I put corner bass traps in the corners of the room, from floor to ceiling.
I also put corner bass traps in the corners of the long sides of the ceiling.
And three panels in the ceiling above the monitors, using the mirror technique.
On the floor, some carpets cover almost the entire surface.
Behind me, on the left at the back of the room, there is a vocal booth made with rock wool and drywall (150x160x230cm); a small sofa is immediately in front.
The distance between the monitors (event tr8) and the wall (actually the bass trap panels) is about 50cm.
I also attached some photos and a video to show the situation better.

After taking measurements with REW and an ecm8000, I got scared.

Unfortunately, I don't have high acoustic skills, and I would like to ask you for help to try to solve this disaster as much as possible :)

ps_ Excuse my English, and if I forgot something or you have any questions, I will do my best to answer.

Thank you very much for your invaluable help



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Hello everybody,

I have a home studio in my garage (6.20x4x2.60 meters).
I did an acoustic treatment with DIY bass traps using rock wool with a density of 70 (120x60x8cm each).
I placed them at the points of the first reflection using the mirror technique.
I put corner bass traps in the corners of the room, from floor to ceiling.
I also put corner bass traps in the corners of the long sides of the ceiling.
And three panels in the ceiling above the monitors, using the mirror technique.
On the floor, some carpets cover almost the entire surface.
Behind me, on the left at the back of the room, there is a vocal booth made with rock wool and drywall (150x160x230cm); a small sofa is immediately in front.
The distance between the monitors (event tr8) and the wall (actually the bass trap panels) is about 50cm.
I also attached some photos and a video to show the situation better.

After taking measurements with REW and an ecm8000, I got scared.

Unfortunately, I don't have high acoustic skills, and I would like to ask you for help to try to solve this disaster as much as possible :)

ps_ Excuse my English, and if I forgot something or you have any questions, I will do my best to answer.

Thank you very much for your invaluable help

Your drawing does not correlate with your photos. In fact it is +-5db which is not bad. You do not have many peaks and dips but your lows are really low :) You should raise them +5 or more. Are you using eq ?
Hello everybody,

I have a home studio in my garage (6.20x4x2.60 meters).
I did an acoustic treatment with DIY bass traps using rock wool with a density of 70 (120x60x8cm each).
I placed them at the points of the first reflection using the mirror technique.
I put corner bass traps in the corners of the room, from floor to ceiling.
I also put corner bass traps in the corners of the long sides of the ceiling.
And three panels in the ceiling above the monitors, using the mirror technique.
On the floor, some carpets cover almost the entire surface.
Behind me, on the left at the back of the room, there is a vocal booth made with rock wool and drywall (150x160x230cm); a small sofa is immediately in front.
The distance between the monitors (event tr8) and the wall (actually the bass trap panels) is about 50cm.
I also attached some photos and a video to show the situation better.

After taking measurements with REW and an ecm8000, I got scared.

Unfortunately, I don't have high acoustic skills, and I would like to ask you for help to try to solve this disaster as much as possible :)

ps_ Excuse my English, and if I forgot something or you have any questions, I will do my best to answer.

Thank you very much for your invaluable help

What did you get scared off specifically?

Two things come to mind.
a) what kind of smoothing did you apply to the graphs. Use either VAR or 1/12 in REW.
b) Bass seems a bit weak. Do you have a sub?
Yeah, if you use variable smoothing on the ale2 measurement you see that it's really not that bad.

As mentioned, the main issue seems to be the weak bass response <100Hz. Try to bring everything else down a bit with EQ to balance it out.

In the long run I would highly recommend getting a sub, with a proper placement you'd get a significant improvement and fill/smoothen that scoop between 40-80Hz (and below).
Download REW and try to use Room Sim for checking if you can improve bass by repositioning speakers.
Most probably it will be relatively easy.
thank you all very much for your valuable advice. thank you very much!
to answer the questions:
I don't use equalizers. I am thinking of buying "sonarworks" (or something similiar) but I guess gear like that works best in subtractive equalization.
As for the subwoofer, do you have any to recommend?
thank you Freddy, i'll try it immediately :)
gotta love unsmoothed graphs, cause they hide nothing. just a little more learning to interpret.
is that the NS-10?

treatment-wise you seam to have done a good job. that big broad dip in the FR is probably the speaker.
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