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7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 IEM Review

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  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 11 2.9%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 43 11.4%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 318 84.4%

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Finally got this new set delivered yesterday afternoon. As I was unpacking them my wife walked into the room and asked what I was doing. Explained that I was about to give a new set of IEM’s a test run. She said what the heck is an IEM? As I explained she got that distant and glossed over look that can happen when I mansplain too much. So, I interpreted my explanation of the technical aspects and performance of this set and said….Would you like to try them? She said sure why not. I got her fitted up and off she went…3 hours later she was still wearing them and announced from the other room “I like these can I keep them?” I was shocked for two reasons. The first being I hadn’t even had the chance to listen to them and secondly she made this announcement from “The Kitchen” no less.

I am off to order another set. I did sneak in some demo time. Overall I was impressed with the clarity and Spacial qualities. They do sound pretty perfect without EQ and are very easy to drive. Solid range of reproduction from bass to cymbals. Crisp and clean sound with no hint of effort or distortion. I am amazed that this level of IEM performance can be had for so little cost. They are light and comfortable and the stock cable is fit for purpose and I don’t see any reason to upgrade it. They are definitely worth the cost.

If you are on the fence about using IEM’s then these were made for you. ;) Happy Listening…
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Just received Zero:2 and I can say it's much better than my IE200. Although I'm not audiophile but for me the difference is obvious. And the price is much cheaper!
Just got mine. The usual disappointment due to ear tips being too small. It’s always a gamble. Some come with quite a variety of sizes others remain on the small side. So does the 7Hz ZERO:2. It’s not a full disaster but bass is clearly lacking. Apart from this they sound really good.

Does anyone of you have a good source for alternative ear tips?
Just got mine. The usual disappointment due to ear tips being too small. It’s always a gamble. Some come with quite a variety of sizes others remain on the small side. So does the 7Hz ZERO:2. It’s not a full disaster but bass is clearly lacking. Apart from this they sound really good.

Does anyone of you have a good source for alternative ear tips?

Sorry to hear that but the tips fit me quite well.
Just got mine. The usual disappointment due to ear tips being too small. It’s always a gamble. Some come with quite a variety of sizes others remain on the small side. So does the 7Hz ZERO:2. It’s not a full disaster but bass is clearly lacking. Apart from this they sound really good.

Does anyone of you have a good source for alternative ear tips?
I should be getting my Z2 early next week. I too generally need larger tips so I shall delve through my tip collection and see what works when I have them in my ear/ hand. What tip style/ type do you generally use on other IEM?
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I can't bring myself to ship a cable across the planet. Surely there's an alternative.
Honestly, those kind of things started to bother me as well. I order something from the other end of the world, and it gets delivered in 3 days for $5. The actual cost of that to all of us is surely more than $5.
I should be getting my Z2 early next week. I too generally need larger tips so I shall delve through my tip collection and see what works when I have them in my ear/ hand. What tip style/ type do you generally use on other IEM?
The large white tips that came with the Truthears were (almost) perfect. The largest from the ZERO:2 are a little bit too small. Sadly, they are not interchangeable.

Just got mine. The usual disappointment due to ear tips being too small. It’s always a gamble. Some come with quite a variety of sizes others remain on the small side. So does the 7Hz ZERO:2. It’s not a full disaster but bass is clearly lacking. Apart from this they sound really good.

Does anyone of you have a good source for alternative ear tips?
For large ear canals nothing beats Truthear Red/Zero due to the combination of shell shape and included tips.
For large ear canals nothing beats Truthear Red/Zero due to the combination of shell shape and included tips.
Do not forget TE Nova. That shell is also big.
Does anyone of you have a good source for alternative ear tips?
I got mine and tried them yesterday. The stock tips did not work for me as the buds kept falling off my ears. It took me about 30 excruciating minutes to replace them with Comply Foam tips (I got them off Amazon a while ago for other IEMs).

With no EQ listening via my Hidizs Ap80 Pro-X, the sound is clear and I can hear more details.
The Zero's I've just received 'sound great' to me if I'm stationary, but the over-ear cable route is a bit of a pain for me and the cables seem to put a lot of bass noises into the perceived sound if I move around.

Rather than these Zero 2's, once the holiday dust has settled, I'd probably try these as they're more conventional and they 'look' a bit more like the cheap Betrons I've been using generally (I've discovered the Betron BS10s don't like massed choirs or massed strings much at all compared to the 7Hz Zeros...)

What if you have the upposite problem and need an IEM with a small shell and tips?
The 7Hz Salnotes Zeros are better in that aspect imo.
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