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Worst movie ever?

The dark knight, terrible movie, storylines that go nowhere, ridiculous events, that stupid low voice. Most overrated movie ever.T
The Dark Knight or the Dark Knight Rises? Former I thought excellent, despite the Batman voice; the latter with the Bane voice in Rises not so much.
I am curious: does this mean you dislike Godard generally, or you dislike this one particularly (and prefer others among his ~131 films)?
Haven't seen all of them but yes in general I dislike pretty much all of them. And the worst of them is Alphaville.
The Dark Knight or the Dark Knight Rises? Former I thought excellent, despite the Batman voice; the latter with the Bane voice in Rises not so much.
The dark knight.
Highlander 1 was fine... #2 was terrible;


I remember this was auto-play next after I watched the original, shut it right off cause there can be Only One Highlander!!
All your choices are also rans for worst movie ever.

Battlefield Earth starring John Revolta. Adaption of an L. Ron Hubbard novel. Hubbard isn't responsible for how awful it was.

A close second would be Riverworld. The 2003 movie not to be confused with a later one of the same name. Adaptation of a Philip Jose Farmer novel and again Farmer's story isn't the problem.

I would think Constantine is pretty bad too. The above movies regularly make critic's list of worst ever while Constantine with Keanu Reeves does not. In fact they are making a 2nd Constantine out next year.

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I would go for this too, or "The Room"
Worst movie is something you haven't seen or so bad that the mind protects itself from remembering it.

Something I do remember as really bad is: The Deal (2005)

I missed the thriller part completely.
Nicolas Cage has been in a few bad films, Raising Arizona is not one of them, it’s great, but The Wicker Man has to be his worst. Slow movie with no redeeming value and a horrible, pointless ending.

Nicolas Cage has been in a few bad films, Raising Arizona is not one of them, it’s great, but The Wicker Man has to be his worst. Slow movie with no redeeming value and a horrible, pointless ending.

The original was brilliant.

Worst movie is something you haven't seen or so bad that the mind protects itself from remembering it.

I think so, which is why I've made no suggestions.

Nicolas Cage has been in a few bad films, Raising Arizona is not one of them, it’s great, but The Wicker Man has to be his worst. Slow movie with no redeeming value and a horrible, pointless ending.

Nic Cage may well have starred in one of those films I've blocked out, but he's certainly done some good ones. Weird that I haven't seen either version of The Wicker Man.

Anyway—somewhat tongue in cheek—I'll nominate every film with Liam Neeson.
The Dolemite movies deserve honorable mention. As does The English Patient for sheer boredom.
Anything by Ed Wood:

Wood's movies from the 1950's through the early 1970's were universally bad, but many were so bad that they were hysterically funny under the right circumstances. This usually meant a rowdy crowd of friends and copious amounts of either alcohol or drugs, preferably both. Before MST3k there was the DIY version of an Ed Wood movie and some sick and twisted friends. My favorite was Plan 9 from Outer Space but I freely admit that Glen or Glenda was a worse movie.

The Tim Burton 1994 movie Ed Wood with Johnny Depp as the world's worst director and Martin Landau as Bela Lugosi is brilliant, and Landau deservedly won the Oscar, Golden Globe and SAG awards for best supporting actor. Highly recommended.

Here are some other lists of movies that I have seen too many of:

My personal truly worst movie ever made is Santa Claus Conquers the Martians from 1964. It's so irredeemably bad that kids by the age of 7 know to avoid it like the plague.
Can I ask why this thread even exists when there is so much glorious good (better, best even) to enjoy? This just seems like so much masochism.
Can I ask why this thread even exists when there is so much glorious good (better, best even) to enjoy? This just seems like so much masochism.
Is there a topic about your favorite movies at all?
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