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WiiM Ultra

Except HDMI ARC, no reason to replace my PRO.
Yeah, looks like they try to build a competitor for Minidsp, but I am too stupid for that route.
So no news for regular enthusiasts.
Except HDMI ARC, no reason to replace my PRO.
Yeah, looks like they try to build a competitor for Minidsp, but I am too stupid for that route.
So no news for regular enthusiasts.
I would rather say a competitor to solutions like Eversolo, Aurender, etc … if WiiM can offer a similar solution to these types of high end streamer solutions at a fraction of the cost, they will have a massive hit on their hands, and my guess is this is exactly what they are targeting
I would rather say a competitor to solutions like Eversolo, Aurender, etc … if WiiM can offer a similar solution to these types of high end streamer solutions at a fraction of the cost, they will have a massive hit on their hands, and my guess is this is exactly what they are targeting
(only my opinion) I don't want wiim to follow the others but to retaint their own mojo. No high end, but products for the people! :) I f they want to go high end, just launch other brand. What i think this new one should have is the ins and outs of the bluesound node without the dac inside (yeah no rcas either) - that would be left for the plus version in wiim fashion. No screens or aluminum or phono stage. No balanced, no aes, nothing like that. That'll just make the price go higher. No internal power supply either. Let the customers figure out which power supply they want. And dac, and phono stage, etc. A pro with added ins/ outs and no dac inside, just a transport. That would be my choice. This should be enough to keep the price down. And let them focus on the software front!
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(only my opinion) I don't want wiim to follow the others but to retaint their own mojo. No high end, but products for the people! :) I f they want to go high end, just launch other brand. What i think this new one should have is the ins and outs of the bluesound node without the dac inside (yeah no rcas either) - that would be left for the plus version in wiim fashion. No screens or aluminum or phono stage. No balanced, no aes, nothing like that. That'll just make the price go higher. No internal power supply either. Let the customers figure out which power supply they want. And dac, and phono stage, etc. A pro with added ins/ outs and no dac inside, just a transport. That would be my choice. This should be enough to keep the price down. And let them focus on the software front!
If you don’t want the ultra version, then just don’t purchase it. Some of us would like an alternative to the Eversolo and Aurenders of the world without the crazy audiophilia price tag … what you have described already exists with the WiiM Pro
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I am not sure that £750 for the A-6 counts as crazy audiophile pricing, but another contender is always welcome.
You seem to be obsessed with the fact they haven't yet updated the PEQ. They are releasing it Q1 and have said so a few times.
Yes :D I find it baffling that this should take so long to implement. It's not as if this is so demanding on CPU/DSP resources to add a few more filters, and the UX could easily be extended.
You seem to be obsessed with the fact they haven't yet updated the PEQ. They are releasing it Q1 and have said so a few times.
I must say I get frustrated with companies that do this and it's certainly not just smaller brands like WiiM, nor something new. It seems the days of releasing a properly tested product are long gone. Instead the customers become the beta testers...

I'm not saying WiiM won't live up to their firmware update claims, but it may have been more prudent to release a finished product that doesn't require large functional firmware updates.

I'm not saying WiiM won't live up to their firmware update claims, but it may have been more prudent to release a finished product that doesn't require large functional firmware updates.
What is baffling is that you offer a 10-band GEQ, and only a 4-band PEQ. There is zero reason to have this artificial difference. This has nothing to do with testing or beta, it's just a strange decision.
Yes :D I find it baffling that this should take so long to implement. It's not as if this is so demanding on CPU/DSP resources to add a few more filters, and the UX could easily be extended.
I must say I get frustrated with companies that do this and it's certainly not just smaller brands like WiiM, nor something new. It seems the days of releasing a properly tested product are long gone. Instead the customers become the beta testers...

I'm not saying WiiM won't live up to their firmware update claims, but it may have been more prudent to release a finished product that doesn't require large functional firmware updates.

I think the 4 band PEQ works perfectly as it is, so there is no actual 'need' for an update, but Wiim have taken on board lots of feedback and have decided to act upon it. The fact that they are not simply adding filters as a quick fix bodes well in my eyes, and I'm expecting the update to be very comprehensive.
I also think it's worth noting Wiim are in the middle of launching a new product and are developing another, so I think it bodes well they are not just adding a few extra filters as a stop gap.
Just my 2c
I would like too, a streamer-only / transport, with G/P-EQ/DSP, and a web interface to control it, instead of a dedicated android app (which, shall development stop for some reason, won't be available in newer phone OS versions - and anybody then would be able to create a 3rd-party one based on such web-api...).
So no fancy DAC, and all in the same form-factor, material and color. Eventually only indicators (LEDs?) for active input and output.
But I would prefer an integrated, ultra-low noise SPSU.

Basically, they need to start removing things, and just adding sw options.

Cheers, Al.
Just my 2c
I would like too, a streamer-only / transport, with G/P-EQ/DSP, and a web interface to control it, instead of a dedicated android app (which, shall development stop for some reason, won't be available in newer phone OS versions - and anybody then would be able to create a 3rd-party one based on such web-api...).
So no fancy DAC, and all in the same form-factor, material and color. Eventually only indicators (LEDs?) for active input and output.
But I would prefer an integrated, ultra-low noise SPSU.

Basically, they need to start removing things, and just adding sw options.

Cheers, Al.
Sounds to me like you are describing the Holo Red. Just load Volumio and use something like Fusion DSP maybe? Disclaimer... I have no experience with either Volumio or Fusion DSP but perhaps someone else here has?
I am not sure that £750 for the A-6 counts as crazy audiophile pricing, but another contender is always welcome.
Fair enough, but you got my point, now you are picking nits ;)
Sounds to me like you are describing the Holo Red. Just load Volumio and use something like Fusion DSP maybe? Disclaimer... I have no experience with either Volumio or Fusion DSP but perhaps someone else here has?
Apart from:
DSD1024 native (but this depends on the dac, and mine does up to 512)

I have already everything it has to offer with my Pi4 + moOde audio (and have CamillaDSP too), at a fraction of the price.
I was considering that WiiM for a) the form factor, and of course b) for the price... ;-)
Apart from:
DSD1024 native (but this depends on the dac, and mine does up to 512)

I have already everything it has to offer with my Pi4 + moOde audio (and have CamillaDSP too), at a fraction of the price.
I was considering that WiiM for a) the form factor, and of course b) for the price... ;-)
If you change to Volumio premium you would at least get Tidal Connect on you Pi4. I fully understand that paying for the premium version
just to get TC maybe is not everybodys cup of tea though. I have also been curious of a Pi4 streamer, since all I want is ethernet in and USB out and I have a couple of
external LPSU lying around but Volumio premium just to get TC has been one of the deal breakers for me.

I was really disappointed that Wiim Pro Plus didn't have USB out. I mean if a Pi4 has it how hard can it be???
I was really disappointed that Wiim Pro Plus didn't have USB out. I mean if a Pi4 has it how hard can it be???

Why do you guys need the usb out? the quality of the RCA is already incredibly good.
I sold my Topping D90SE because I considered it inferior on RCA to the Wiim Pro Plus!
I wonder how many do actually get an improvement from adding an external dac to this device.

I would "ask" for an even better internal dac with 120 sinad :) and.. please.. balanced out.
At that point I'm not sure if stand alone dacs would even have a future :)
If you don’t want the ultra version, then just don’t purchase it. Some of us would like an alternative to the Eversolo and Aurenders of the world without the crazy audiophilia price tag … what you have described already exists with the WiiM Pro
I don't know if i want it or not, it's not out yet. Your answer is valid to you too. (the first part) Everyone is talking about what they want it to be and what they hope for, i only did the same. Yes, i don't agree with you, but that's ok. A suggestion...if you want a cheaper eversolo just buy used, the a6/a6 master edition can be found almost new at a discounted price right now, everyone's switching to the a8. I just want wiim to keep doing what they've been doing. Improving while maintaining the cost low/ reasonable. So to me it would be more outputs and arc, ditch the analog section and make it a digital tansport, maybe improve the internals a bit and focus on the software front. (maybe some support for windows) No fancy things neaded.
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Why do you guys need the usb out? the quality of the RCA is already incredibly good.
I sold my Topping D90SE because I considered it inferior on RCA to the Wiim Pro Plus!
I wonder how many do actually get an improvement from adding an external dac to this device.

I would "ask" for an even better internal dac with 120 sinad :) and.. please.. balanced out.
At that point I'm not sure if stand alone dacs would even have a future :)
And I don't want it to have a DAC at all :cool:. Why should I pay for that when all I need is the USB out so I can conncect it to my liking for the DACs I already own.
Same as I guess Denafrips owners would probably like to see I2S out and someone may prefer AES/EBU etc. etc.

I think it was in this forum though that someone pointed out that since the sales market for a dedicated deluxe streamer is way slimmer than if you but a semi-decent DAC in it you will end up with all the cheap and midpriced streamer having a crappy or just decent DAC in them.
I mean why haven't Bluesound given us a dedicated streamer already? Because removing the DAC from the streamer would limit the market and hence make it more expensive since less people would buy it.
And I don't want it to have a DAC at all :cool:. Why should I pay for that when all I need is the USB out so I can conncect it to my liking for the DACs I already own.
Same as I guess Denafrips owners would probably like to see I2S out and someone may prefer AES/EBU etc. etc.

I think it was in this forum though that someone pointed out that since the sales market for a dedicated deluxe streamer is way slimmer than if you but a semi-decent DAC in it you will end up with all the cheap and midpriced streamer having a crappy or just decent DAC in them.
I mean why haven't Bluesound given us a dedicated streamer already? Because removing the DAC from the streamer would limit the market and hence make it more expensive since less people would buy it.
i'm a separates person myself. Everything evolves at lightning speed, specially dacs. Chances are if a streamer has a decent dac right now, it'll be subpar 1/ 2 years from now. Better choose/ use your own dac and cange it/ upgrade it when you want, with the features you want. If they keep upgrading the software and just add more outputs and you choose a good ps to use with it and then a good dac, you can beat the eversolos and fiios of this life when regarding sound quality. (what really matters) Also, i don't get the touch screen craze. It means you use the unit in close range/ desktop environment. What's the point? Just use you pc or mac and have a bigger one! Also, what happens when the UI, android version, etc. becomes unusable with the updated apps? KISS is the name of the game imo.
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