Master Contributor
Look for headphones with minimal distortion (some planars are very good for this, like the LCD-XC), and/or with angled drivers or different ear cup shapes. That's about what you can do when it comes to the headphone itself, without using EQ.Clearer, better separation, bigger soundstage
As has been said about 50 times, EQ is also a good idea.
Lastly, you should try crossfeed. IMO this is the most reliable way to improve stereo image with headphones. What I finally accepted is that headphone sound is fundamentally unnatural, because in real life, it's very rare for a sound to be heard by only one ear at a time.
This makes the stereo image very Left-Center-Right, in-your-head-sounding.
With crossfeed, some of the left is mixed into the right, and vice-versa, more like how speaker listening (or any other kind of real-world listening) is. IME this makes the stereo image from headphones much more realistic.
There is a free plugin you can use to try it: