Master Contributor
It is getting kind of disturbing.Like I said, bizarre.
It is getting kind of disturbing.Like I said, bizarre.
You must be another quack that's why you find it bizarreLike I said, bizarre.
And 6 years ago I was thinking exactly like you were thinking that these people know all about cancer and they are experts and you should listen to them and do everything they tell you to do. A dose of reality can be a hard lesson some times but a good lesson none the less.It is getting kind of disturbing.
That's the second one they got in our family with their miraculous cures.
6. Electric superchargers/turbo.... Nothing more than a fan on a small 12-24V motor...
Not disputing that this is snake oil. But I was wondering what the CFM of such fans are like compared to the CFM of an engine. It MIGHT contribute a small torque boost at low RPM when engine CFM is low? Anybody know the answer?
Turbos use exhaust gases to "spool up" and they lag behind your acceleration curve. Supers use the power take off from the main crank shaft and belts and are able to more quickly spool up. The reason people are turning to electric turbos (and there are legit electric turbos installed factory) is that lag. BMW has a turbo that they've been working on that's a combo of an exhaust fed turbine and electric windings to kickstart the pressure, reducing lag.Not disputing that this is snake oil. But I was wondering what the CFM of such fans are like compared to the CFM of an engine. It MIGHT contribute a small torque boost at low RPM when engine CFM is low? Anybody know the answer?
I swear, most fad diets just confuse your very adaptable biology for a moment, resulting in malnutrition. Once you acclimate, the weight comes back on.Paleo diet, as well as a bunch of other diets and general nutrition advice people give each other, almost all of which have a good story but no factual base.
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What are you writing about? If I understand correctly, the paleo diet is all about eating as little processed food as possible. Are you saying it's snake oil? What is wrong with good eating? Lol.Paleo diet, as well as a bunch of other diets and general nutrition advice people give each other, almost all of which have a good story but no factual base.
The paleo diet is all about eating meat only, if I got it right. Correct me if I'm wrong. That could get boring pretty fast, since there aren't nearly as many flavors in different meats as are there are in plant foods. Then there is the excessive heme iron residue in an all-meat diet to consider. Humans (that's us chickens, bedawk!) have long small intestines to allow more time to digest the cellulose walls of plant cells. That makes us omnivores. The short intestinal tracts of cats make them obligate carnivores, since plant-based foods would get pooped out before long they got a chance to be absorbed. So enjoy a balanced diet and the large variety of flavors available in plant foods & seasonings.What are you writing about? If I understand correctly, the paleo diet is all about eating as little processed food as possible. Are you saying it's snake oil? What is wrong with good eating? Lol.
Paleo diet's premise is that we should be eating the plants and animals our ancestors ate during Paleolithic era. People say that's what we have evolved to eat, so should be good for us. On the face of it, is makes sense. If you dig a bit deeper, you see it actually does not. Paleolithic era is 3M years long - which plants and animals are we actually talking about? Some of the animals they hunted for meat for example, they hunted them to extinction so good luck finding a wooly mamoth steak. Planet has been through an ice age, South and North American continents touched each other forming Central America, people found Australia, all of which has different plants and animal species. Which ones are we supposed to eat? Some others say it is about not eating the foods we came up within the last 10K years. That also makes sense. Until you start thinking again. The apple people ate 10K years ago and the apple I buy from the supermarket are not the same fruit. Nor is the carrot, corn, potato, lettuce, kale etc. You can not find the plants our habilis ancestors ate in the food section. We continue evolving, and so does our food.What are you writing about? If I understand correctly, the paleo diet is all about eating as little processed food as possible. Are you saying it's snake oil? What is wrong with good eating? Lol.
Paleo diet's premise is that we should be eating the plants and animals our ancestors ate during Paleolithic era. People say that's what we have evolved to eat, so should be good for us. On the face of it, is makes sense. If you dig a bit deeper, you see it actually does not. Paleolithic era is 3M years long - which plants and animals are we actually talking about? Some of the animals they hunted for meat for example, they hunted them to extinction so good luck finding a wooly mamoth steak. Planet has been through an ice age, South and North American continents touched each other forming Central America, people found Australia, all of which has different plant and animal lives. Which ones are we supposed to eat? Some other's say it is about not eating the foods we came up with in last 10K years. That also makes sense until you start thinking again. The apple people ate 10K years ago and the apple I buy from the supermarket are not the same fruit. Nor is the carrot, corn, potato, lettuce, kale etc. You can not find the plants our habilis ancestors ate in the food section. We continue evolving, and so does our food.
If you take it to mean eat as little processed food as possible, I don't think there would be anything wrong with that in my personal opinion.