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Welcome New Members to ASR, introduce yourself here.

Welcome to ASR @JimBean. Did you come to a realization that gear does not need to be as expensive as some is?
Well, I've been a thrift store hunter for quite some time, mostly for cds, but also found some decent audio gear as well. Just realized how much of a better deal it is to buy used. But it is impressive how well some of the "budget" dacs and headphone amps coming out measure and sound.
Well, I've been a thrift store hunter for quite some time, mostly for cds, but also found some decent audio gear as well. Just realized how much of a better deal it is to buy used. But it is impressive how well some of the "budget" dacs and headphone amps coming out measure and sound.
Good looking Telecaster in your photo. Just bought my first one (a cheap '52 replica).
My name is Jim, and it's been only about a year since I ended up going down the terrible rabbit hole of separates for my stereo equipment. I'm pretty frugal, aka not wealthy, so I only buy used. Finally happy with my current setup, for now. (Until the credit cards are payed off, in other words)
Big fan of all types of music, save classical and jazz. Which I can enjoy, but not really my go-to jams. Also not a believer in any of the esoteric audiophile bs claims I see and read on other audio forums/sited. Amazing what a racket some of this stuff is. Been using this forum to compare dacs and other audio gear, so I figured I may as well join.
Welcome, Jim! Great to finally find a place where actual data is used vs all manner snake oil, eh? I love it here.
I love it here.
Agree, it's like the bizarro world of audio forums... a breath of fresh air. The kind of place one feels obliged to point out power cables don't mean anything, without needing a flame-suit.

I ended up going down the terrible rabbit hole of separates for my stereo equipment
Post your stuff here: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-kit-we-bought-our-current-setups.564/
Hello everyone, long time lurker here. I've gathered lots of info from ASR, not sure if I've learned as much as I think I have. I'm here because I love music.
Jonathan, Norfolk (UK)
So much music, so little time ...
Hello everyone, long time lurker here. I've gathered lots of info from ASR, not sure if I've learned as much as I think I have. I'm here because I love music.
Jonathan, Norfolk (UK)
So much music, so little time ...
Does your handle have any relation to the brilliant movie / book 'Being There'???
That's the best reason to be here! Welcome! :)

Sorry to jump in Jim, but I have a different opinion.
I love music, I love listening to music with audio gear, but ASR's primary reason for existence has little to do with those.
If @ChaunceyG loves music, he should go to concerts, enjoy it where he can, be it on a TV speaker or even from his mobile phone tiny speaker, without worrying. I can!
I come to ASR, because here, we take an unimpassioned, objective, scientific look at all things regarding Audio Reproduction Gear.
We argue what makes these gears tick in a purely scientific, ultra-unsubjective manner.
That is as far away from "enjoying music" as one can get! Hell, we often vote on equipments, purely by looking at published electrical test results, without ever having enjoyed music through them.
Sorry to jump in Jim, but I have a different opinion.
I love music, I love listening to music with audio gear, but ASR's primary reason for existence has little to do with those.
If @ChaunceyG loves music, he should go to concerts, enjoy it where he can, be it on a TV speaker or even from his mobile phone tiny speaker, without worrying. I can!
I come to ASR, because here, we take an unimpassioned, objective, scientific look at all things regarding Audio Reproduction Gear.
We argue what makes these gears tick in a purely scientific, ultra-unsubjective manner.
That is as far away from "enjoying music" as one can get! Hell, we often vote on equipments, purely by looking at published electrical test results, without ever having enjoyed music through them.

My opinion is based on the viewpoint that the equipment we discuss on ASR exists due to the recording, transmission and reproduction of music .... or movies. But I understand where you're coming from.

I think there's room here for both our opinions ..... no? :)

I think there's room here for both our opinions ..... no? :)

I don't know!
loving music, enjoying it, is a subjective thing.
Just try mentioning a subjective viewpoint about loving or enjoying music on ASR, chances are, you get confronted!
Here, measured results talks, all else walks.
Just try mentioning a subjective viewpoint about loving or enjoying music on ASR, chances are, you get confronted!
Here, measured results talks, all else walks.

I apologize for not answering your post sooner! I was busy, scanning the "Jazz Music only - in the now, or recently, or that you love" thread:

... and my favorite, the "What are we listening to right now ..." thread. You know, the one that's 975 pages long?

... and another that I like, the "Classical Music only - some you listen to now or recently, or some you love "...

... and I was on my way to the "Latin music and artists" thread when I saw your post.

After thinking about what you said, I suppose you're right. :)

You know what I mean. :);)
For every exception you can point to, there are many times the opposite.
You know what I mean. :);)
For every exception you can point to, there are many times the opposite.
how many threads can you point to where people are told they don't love music? Or where someone gets confronted for saying they do?

(as distinct from a subjective statement about preference for listening to it using particular gear)
how many threads can you point to where people are told they don't love music? Or where someone gets confronted for saying they do?

(as distinct from a subjective statement about preference for listening to it using particular gear)
Wow, I just said I love music. Does that mean I'm not interested in the science?
Wow, I just said I love music. Does that mean I'm not interested in the science?
Of couse not. I am questioning @Ken Tajalli's statement, not yours.

You are free to (as many do) talk about love of music here, and not have that detract from a scientific approach to reproduction gear.
Of couse not. I am questioning @Ken Tajalli's statement, not yours.

You are free to (as many do) talk about love of music here, and not have that detract from a scientific approach to reproduction gear.
Sorry, I should have replied to Ken and also to have thanked you for your camradery
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