If I still had my 2Cs might be tempted to upgrade them. Here is what I can offer based on when I salvaged mine...
- The drivers are good quality. Due to age, the tweeter is the most questionable as it may have dried out ferrofluid. The woofer, surrounds should be checked, but otherwise are fine. Not sure what I would due the with active coupler...
- Would leave the crossover (physically) in place as it is coated with epoxy and is too much hassle to replace. Would simply bypass it entirely. If the active coupler cannot be used as-is, may be able to use as a passive radiator or simply remove it and replace the hole with a vent.
- I liked the sound of my 1Bs better as well. The woofer is comparable in the 2s, so thinking that porting them would be like adding a midrange to the 1s. This could be a winner.
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