I tried several USB-C to lightning adapters and finally found one that supports data transfer:
This allows using USB-C dongle dacs (MEIZU, MEIZU Pro, Musiland MU2) with an iPhone (interestingly the Apple USB-C dongle dac is not supported). Now if only there was the inverse thing, too, making it possible to use dongles with lighning connector (Fiio KA2, Ikko Zerda ITM03) with an Android smartphone or an iPad mini. (Don't ask me why this is so important to me ).
So, does anyone happen to know a Lighning to USB-C adapter or adapter cable that supports data transfer and not only charging? (The McDodo adapter (https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005001941208987.html) sometimes advertised as featuring data transfer only supports charging.)
Thanks, Urs
This allows using USB-C dongle dacs (MEIZU, MEIZU Pro, Musiland MU2) with an iPhone (interestingly the Apple USB-C dongle dac is not supported). Now if only there was the inverse thing, too, making it possible to use dongles with lighning connector (Fiio KA2, Ikko Zerda ITM03) with an Android smartphone or an iPad mini. (Don't ask me why this is so important to me ).
So, does anyone happen to know a Lighning to USB-C adapter or adapter cable that supports data transfer and not only charging? (The McDodo adapter (https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005001941208987.html) sometimes advertised as featuring data transfer only supports charging.)
Thanks, Urs