Hey no problem, I understand your point and there may actually be some validity to your statement but it’s not exactly accurate to my situation.
Me and my girlfriend have been together for 5 years and we are actively trying to show more interest in each others interests. We do have a good amount of overlapping music taste, but I listen to a much wider variety of music than her. She enjoys music more than most. I like to listen to albums and she finds it difficult to pay attention being inside on a nice day, so we thought a good middle ground would be finding a nice spot in nature (she likes to hike) and being able to listen to music in an environment like that.
Regardless of whether or not that pans out. I have a buddy who comes over once a week on average and we usually listen to an album and or watch a movie. I live in a Condo now and some genres of music really don’t have the same effect when listened to at an apartment “appropriate” volume so I can probably get some good use out of this headphone setup with him as well.