Grand Contributor
If folks come on here to ask if an amplifier can bring and improved sense of soundstage or liveliness then they will be told amplifiers can't / won't do that. Regardless what they believe. Some respondents may be a bit too adamant about this as this has been answered many times on here. To 'believers' this may come across as 'mocking'.My point was simply that one should not mock folks who ask if an amplifier will give them an improved sense of soundstage or liveliness for simply having used those terms.
Where is this demonstrated to be sounding 'lively' ? Lively recordings and speakers usually have some elevation in the upper mids.That if you care to actually use science for understanding instead of denigrating, you might find that what folks refer to as liveliness in a system is quite demonstrable to say frequency response above 15khz.
The word audiophool is reserved for a totally different type of person and has nothing, no... absolutely nothing to do with how people express themselves about soundstage nor that these people can not express themselves in technical terms.And that the "audiophool" apparently term of sound staging is the relative perceived position of objects relative to the speakers.
Of course it can.That this also could be measured with various amounts of rigour.
So yeah there can be science applied to the perception of soundstage and perceived sensation of liveliness.
What science were you explaining ?The arguments people had with me were literally saying things I had never said. Like that I had said an amp could change soundstage. or that I had asked questions about how the amp sounded wondering if I should buy it. I was the person who owned the amps. They were jumping over themselves to try to find some straw man fault with an argument that they constructed for me. I simply explained science.
Edit: Ah I see you cannot answer the above question any more... never mind.