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Streamer connection on Genelec 8361

You are right, the 8m limit is mentioned, but also:
To use Genelec Digital monitors with S/PDIF input signals, best method is to use impedance matching converters (available for example from Neutrik) and short cable lengths because the S/PDIF link is not designed to travel long distances. The Neutrik converter takes care of the fact that the terminating impedance of S/PDIF is 75 ohms and that of AES/EBU is 110 ohms. This is the most robust solution to connect our SAM-monitors directly to S/PDIF.
For less than 50€, this my personal choice.
Good day to you too.
Used ROON for volume control over the last years cause I did not like the wireless remote I bought with the GLM kit. Ordered the wired volume control this week, and wow, it is lovely. Highly recommended and the best way to control volume, according to Genelec (apart from their monitor controller, that is).
Used ROON for volume control over the last years cause I did not like the wireless remote I bought with the GLM kit. Ordered the wired volume control this week, and wow, it is lovely. Highly recommended and the best way to control volume, according to Genelec (apart from their monitor controller, that is).
Could you please elaborate on why you didn't like the wireless remote? I am ordering one but I could still backtrack. I will also be using Roon (on WiiM Ultra digital coax out). I intend to set the WiiM streamer on fixed output. In such case, will the Roon volume control be active? Wouldn't it be enough?
Could you please elaborate on why you didn't like the wireless remote?
I missed the volume knob feeling. That simple. It works pretty well.
How long is the cable?
1.8m. Ordered an extension and will probably replace original cable. Eight Euros plus some soldering.
On the streamer side… wanted to mention the recent release of the Tempotec V3-D, a potential $299 “mini-streamer”:

It’s a DAP… but it can be controlled from a phone (HiByLink) through BT or WiFi and—if they have not messed with HiBy OS—it can act as a BT, DLNA or AirPlay receiver and has its own (basic) Tidal & Qobuz clients. That’s in addition to local playback from the mSD card (up to 2TB). You also get a GEQ and HiBy’s proprietary PEQ-based MSEB.

It has mini-AES and coax. outputs:
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