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Stereophile Amplification Product of the Year


Sep 10, 2020
Norfolk, UK

Here’s the review

$15000. I wonder what Amirn would make of it?
It is ugly. It might do well as a preamp with the power it has. It's inherent FR, high output impedance interacting with the speaker, and high distortion does mean it will have its own unique sound. For what that is worth (apparently $15k).

As JA said, measures about like you'd expect from a SE 300B amp. Did it really have to have such an uninspiring look? Yuck.
Overpriced and underperforming. The usual crap which kills the audio industry reputation and in order to sell probably needs to rely on some fairy marketing tales.
Don’t sugarcoat it just give it to us straight!
$15,000, yawn.
Peter Q is definitely one of the handful of top salesmen in the U.K. , I was going to say Hi-Fi industry but managed to correct myself in time.
Sit closer.
LOL! Tube equipment with industrial looks. Looks like a gilded outhouse in an era of indoor plumbing. The build quality looks nice except for the perspex module at the back on the right-hand side. High voltage PS? No MC option? Scandalous at that money. How do you choose the phono as input?
How do you choose the phono as input?
The photo displayed in the article and above is the non-phono version. The black one above does show a phono input (bottom one). Interestingly, the backside photo of the Stereophile article does show the phono version…
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