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Snake Oil Department, Top This

wood is naturally antibacterial and often the best choice for a chopping board, ever seen a well used butchers block?
It is not. That's why the legislation of several EU countries does not allow wood on professional kitchens.
It is not. That's why the legislation of several EU countries does not allow wood on professional kitchens.
Not even if made from anti-bacterial woods? Cedar is obviously not a candidate due to the splitting properties of it but maybe others?
It is not. That's why the legislation of several EU countries does not allow wood on professional kitchens.
Largely not based on science. The same thing in many jurisdictions in the US. But thankfully that has been changing over the last decade or so.
Not even if made from anti-bacterial woods? Cedar is obviously not a candidate due to the splitting properties of it but maybe others?
When I worked as a chef, legislation was quite serious about not using wood at all, not even in knife handles. Granted we used a lot of chicken, and birds in general need a bit more safety than mamals or vegetables.
On balance I rather like them as a company, they're harmless and redistributing wealth.
Have you considered that Cardas Audio is corporate fraud that waste employees' time on making useless cables while those slaves of double ignorance (reference to Robert Green Ingersoll and Plato) could do something useful instead?

Example of technical marketing that has no evidence whatsoever and is illegal:
"With George Cardas’ development of the Matched Propagation Conductor, which was issued US Patent 7,674,973, the Clear cable line was launched. These cables offer unprecedented transparency, accuracy, and depth of imaging."

If the cable is transparent, then it is close to the quality of cheap interconnects (its price is still tragic). But if it changes the sound in any real way, then there is something extremely unusual that is not transparent.
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Sure they could be using their ex coffee shop staff to solve life's great scientific riddles and put a man near alpha centauri....
Sure they could be using their ex coffee shop staff to solve life's great scientific riddles and put a man near alpha centauri....
Yes, because there is nothing a person could do that would be useful employment between making snake oil cables or saving the universe. Like 99.999999% of jobs out there, from washing dishes, to building good quality cables that do exactly what they say, to being Mother Teresa.
Why hasn't anyone used Hartmann and Curry's line hypothesis yet to build a fantastic device that improves audio quality?

Or suggested using Hartmann's phantom antennas to figure out where to put the speakers or not?

I'm clearly ironic, but it seemed strange to me that no one had built anything on these theories yet. :p

Maybe it's the case that I do it before someone steals my market :rolleyes:
Have you considered that Cardas Audio is corporate fraud that waste employees' time on making useless cables while those slaves of double ignorance (reference to Robert Green Ingersoll and Plato) could do something useful instead?

Example of technical marketing that has no evidence whatsoever and is illegal:
"With George Cardas’ development of the Matched Propagation Conductor, which was issued US Patent 7,674,973, the Clear cable line was launched. These cables offer unprecedented transparency, accuracy, and depth of imaging."

If the cable is transparent, then it is close to the quality of cheap interconnects (its price is still tragic). But if it changes the sound in any real way, then there is something extremely unusual that is not transparent.
I tried to read the Patent. I'm no engineer, just a lawyer, and it read like a bunch of gobbledy-gook to me. But from what I could discern, it is strands of copper surrounded by some sort of nonconducting material so that the current on the inside of the cable travels at the same speed as the outer strands of copper. I have no idea whether that even makes sense or any difference. However, "These cables offer unprecedented transparency, accuracy, and depth of imaging." Prove them wrong. If you can't prove that the statement is wrong, then it is pure inactionable puffery. "unprecedented transparency": to what? how is transparency measured? With a transparenciometer? Accuracy: Again, to what? How is it measured? an accuraciometer? And of course, depth of imaging: Is that measured with a ruler, a depth gauge? my dive computer? Cardas cables may indeed have some sort of sonic signature different from lamp cord. but the claims made for this wonder cable are unprovable fluff.
I tried to read the Patent. I'm no engineer, just a lawyer, and it read like a bunch of gobbledy-gook to me. But from what I could discern, it is strands of copper surrounded by some sort of nonconducting material so that the current on the inside of the cable travels at the same speed as the outer strands of copper. I have no idea whether that even makes sense or any difference. However, "These cables offer unprecedented transparency, accuracy, and depth of imaging." Prove them wrong. If you can't prove that the statement is wrong, then it is pure inactionable puffery. "unprecedented transparency": to what? how is transparency measured? With a transparenciometer? Accuracy: Again, to what? How is it measured? an accuraciometer? And of course, depth of imaging: Is that measured with a ruler, a depth gauge? my dive computer? Cardas cables may indeed have some sort of sonic signature different from lamp cord. but the claims made for this wonder cable are unprovable fluff.
Please consider loopback testing that is used by our admin Amir and other real engineers to test that systems are working, the whole audio spectrum can be compared perfectly if the source is already a digitized sound:

The Matched Propagation Conductor patent is about velocity of propagation, which doesn't make any difference. Excuses given in the patent seem to be the usual audiophool marketing about the skin effect and dielectric absorption:
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Dudes, dudesses, and dudettes!
Just saw this in my (spam) inbox at yahoo dot com from Audiogon... here's your chance...

I decided it was better to redact the email address, which is that of, it appears, the company that's for sale. :)
Dudes, dudesses, and dudettes!
Just saw this in my (spam) inbox at yahoo dot com from Audiogon... here's your chance...
View attachment 219195
I decided it was better to redact the email address, which is that of, it appears, the company that's for sale. :)

Made his millions after selling a dozen pair of cables and off to the islands.
Please consider loopback testing that is used by our admin Amir and other real engineers to test that systems are working, the whole audio spectrum can be compared perfectly if the source is already a digitized sound:

The Matched Propagation Conductor patent is about velocity of propagation, which doesn't make any difference. Excuses given in the patent seem to be the usual audiophool marketing about the skin effect and dielectric absorption:
Skin effect means something at RF frequencies—a thousand and more times the high end of the audible audio band.

Rick “unless the audio cable is really looooong” Denney

I think this guy has some sort of foreign microbial infestation going on in his cranium. The speaker cables have been calibrated to his Boulder amplifier.

I think this guy has some sort of foreign microbial infestation going on in his cranium. The speaker cables have been calibrated to his Boulder amplifier.
This guy may be onto something. I calibrated a new power cable to my electric oven (99.9998% OFC of course) and food definitely tastes better than it did before. Even my parrot who eats the scraps from my plate agrees.

I'm seriously thinking of doing the same thing with the cable to my electric shaver for an even smoother shave. :facepalm:
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