Hey all! Sorry for hijacking an old thread, but I have the very same setup akg-712 pro with Fiio K5 Pro (non ess). Sometimes I feel it lacks some base, when listening something like Prodigy or something. (90% of the music I listen is Jazz and I love this setup, but sometimes I just crave something crazy xD)
1. So I was happy to find this question, I downloaded and setup everything based on this (I have an M2 mac mini):
I managed to setup Blackhole and AUlab, also verified that it does something
2. So I copied the values into the EQ from this pdf:
based on this comment:
Currently the settings look like this:
But I'm pretty sure that these are wrong, because the bass is distorted, so can someone please help me?
My guesses:
- Filter type: In the pdf it has PEAK while in the EQ the setup guide (1) recommended has no such filter type. I tried to guess which one should I use, but I think Parametric might be wrong
- Q-factor: again in the recommended EQ there is no such column, but I bet it must be width (?)
- Pre-amp: the pdf mention -8.5 dB, but again the EQ recommended has no such setting, is it maybe the one called "Global Gain"?
Thank you, and sorry for the long post / question