The summary:
Original PS:
Noise=-124.5 dB SNR=121.9 dB THD+N=-119.5 dB
Lithium 12V battery pack:
Noise=-124.7 dB SNR=122.1 dB THD+N=-119.7 dB
Noise=-125.4 dB SNR=122.8 dB THD+N=-120.1 dB
As RME stated, the ADI-2 unit is not sensitive to power supply. It has a marginal +/- 1 dB improvement in any output specifications with most complex power supplies, such as the original grounded power supply, lithium battery pack, RME LNI-2 DC module.
Excellent, many thanks for the measurements.
I would tend to file all three results under
essentially identical because the differences are quite likely within run-to-run variations. To double check, I often repeat the same measurement several times on different days, rigging up the tests again from scratch, and maybe it is slightly colder or warmer or the units haven't fully warmed up etc. +-0.5dB variance is nothing.
The only thing of interest I see in the plots are the slightly different mains spurs. For some reason the battery pack setup produced the largest peaks (at 4x, 240Hz) but is cleaner everywhere else. Of course all of this is irrelevant as it is 30dB below the RMS noise floor.
May I suggest another measurement that would expose the effect of different mains leakage currents (the battery pack shouldn't have any), if you want to take the extra effort&time, that is?
- Add a 2-prong 12V/2A SMPS to the set of tested supplies.
- Leave the Intona in place to keep USB clean.
- Measure the unbalanced output of the RME with a normal unbalanced interconnect.
- Don't use the APU notch.
- Connect the shell/GND of the unbalanced interconnect at the receiving end at the ADC Iso to mains earth, to emulate an earth-grounded amp or similar. Alternatively, when using the original three supplies, connect the receiving end shell to the 2-prong supply, emulating an amp with such a supply.
- Play a lower level sine like -30dBFS, sort of a test signal the represents a quiet passages in music
- Look at the resultant SNR and spectra
By this, we will see the huge impact of the supply's mains coupling in an unbalanced user scenario. Notably the 2-prong brick will degrade the system performance big time -- even the battery pack setup will suffer a bit -- and render all the SINAD race moot because
system SINAD is dominated by cable effects (I*R drop on the shield), not devices ;-)