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RME ADI-2 FS Version 2 DAC and Headphone Amp Review

Assume you just punch in the settings in the front of the ADI-2, or do you need pc/software (no nothing about thie Ratory1990)
Thanks, I could always connect to the PC to set it up, but should be able to with the controls as you say.
I've used Peace before on the PC obviously need to play it through the PC which doesn't help in my case.
All sounds good to look into sometime soon, when i got some hours to burn
(found this one for the DT990, not sure how/if it suits the ADI-2 but worth a go, not worth worring about all this stuff too much)
Yes you juggle the three dials the best you can. It´s a much easier affair to do it on pc though there you get explanations for the symbols that isn´t even mentioned in the rme manual
What is that supposed to mean? Symbols on the screen that are not mentioned in the manual? I bet they are.
The filters low shelf, peak, high shelf are not listed in the manual. But they use the same symbol as in peace so you can use peace to figure it out. I rtfm and followed rmes Youtube video and the info is not there.
The manual explains the available filters in the PEQ chapter, shows the shelf-symbol highlighted, and tells to scroll though these. Now doing this you will immediately (!) see what they do to the frequency response in the Bode plot. If you think that these fully intuitive symbols plus the graphical action need further explanation in text then sorry, I don't agree.
The manual explains the available filters in the PEQ chapter, shows the shelf-symbol highlighted, and tells to scroll though these. Now doing this you will immediately (!) see what they do to the frequency response in the Bode plot. If you think that these fully intuitive symbols plus the graphical action need further explanation in text then sorry, I don't agree.
None of what you mention is in the manual. Are you looking for the original rme adi-2 manual. I have the rme adi-2 fs and here is it´s manual https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2dac_e.pdf
What does the manual say, 7 bands? Assume it is per side?

All this sounds interesting, I've got some spare DT990 lying around i could use our of the ADI- headphone output in the living room. They have a slight 10k kHz harshness that isn't so nice. Nice if could set the eq for headphone amp output only
edit: I assume Oratory is a pc based thing, guess could make the adjustments manually on the device but wold be nice to know what tweaks are recommended.

You have separate PEQ settings for each of the ADI-2 DACs output: Line out, headphone and IEM. You can enable/disable EQ for each of them as well.
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From your linked version:

Another push on encoder 2 selects the filter symbol in the right of the parameter line. As this function is only available in bands 1 and 5, the symbol stays greyed out in band 2, 3 and 4. Band 1 and 5 can be set to work in Peak mode, Shelf mode or as High Pass / High Cut. Turning encoder 2 scrolls through the available options with the symbol changing according to the selected filter function.
From your linked version:

Another push on encoder 2 selects the filter symbol in the right of the parameter line. As this function is only available in bands 1 and 5, the symbol stays greyed out in band 2, 3 and 4. Band 1 and 5 can be set to work in Peak mode, Shelf mode or as High Pass / High Cut. Turning encoder 2 scrolls through the available options with the symbol changing according to the selected filter function.
yeah but there is no symbol so how do you know which is which. peak you can guess but the other filters is not self explanatory for me what they describe :)

That's eactly what I explained above: Now doing this you will immediately (!) see what they do to the frequency response in the Bode plot.

That's eactly what I explained above: Now doing this you will immediately (!) see what they do to the frequency response in the Bode plot.
I am sorry but no. I can change the filters no problem at all but it doesn´t help when you don´t know which filter the symbol stands for! There is no picture of the symbols and explanation which is peak which is low shelf etc etc. That is just guess work.

2.8 manual is the same as the 1.8 it doesn´t show these. When you use peace and you hover over the symbols it show which is which that is the difference here. That info is not in the rme manuals or youtube video explaining eq that is all I am saying :)
I am sorry but no. I can change the filters no problem at all but it doesn´t help when you don´t know which filter the symbol stands for! There is no picture of the symbols and explanation which is peak which is low shelf etc etc. That is just guess work.

2.8 manual is the same as the 1.8 it doesn´t show these. When you use peace and you hover over the symbols it show which is which that is the difference here. That info is not in the rme manuals or youtube video explaining eq that is all I am saying :)
Oh please c'mon, the symbols are as self-explaining as it ever gets.
And in case you have problem this is googled within seconds...
Oh please c'mon, the symbols are as self-explaining as it ever gets.
And in case you have problem this is googled within seconds...

It's worth recalling that some new users of the DAC are not familiar with PEQ, and the device is marketed towards the HiFi market segment after all. A picture similar to this could be added to the manual instead of having to google for it.
It's worth recalling that some new users of the DAC are not familiar with PEQ, and the device is marketed towards the HiFi market segment after all. A picture similar to this could be added to the manual instead of having to google for it.
Its also worth mentioning that same users will likely be applying EQ profiles sourced elsewhere which will also describe the filter types per the manual. I think the poster was creating an issue that doesnt exist.
I've been using the ADI-2 DAC since February.
I understand the challenge of designing an interface and control system that can cope with the vast array of features provided with this DAC but can't say I find it intuitive or straightforward. And the manual, whilst comprehensive in scope, could in my view do with a few pages of "how to" tutorials.
I've been using the ADI-2 DAC since February.
I understand the challenge of designing an interface and control system that can cope with the vast array of features provided with this DAC but can't say I find it intuitive or straightforward. And the manual, whilst comprehensive in scope, could in my view do with a few pages of "how to" tutorials.
Trying to name and store EQ profiles was far harder than setting the filters, thats for sure ;-)
Trying to name and store EQ profiles was far harder than setting the filters, thats for sure ;-)
Would be awesome to have a full sized PC/Mac software to tweak and name the EQ, hit Save and it uploads to the ADI-2.

And more bands, as usual. Even if this means limited sample rate. Something like a Setting "Use 10 band EQ (limited sample rate): On/Off" to save CPU power. And behold, 10 band EQ with "only" PCM up to 24/192 or such.
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