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RME ADI-2 FS Version 2 DAC and Headphone Amp Review

Actually, I take that back, the Flex looks like a really awesome device. Was expecting it to be a bit meh.
Hi All. I'm using an ADI-2FS with Cryus One HD amp (streamer Wiim Pro) and I have a questions about fixed volume level/auto volume level in preamp mode.
So in the first time I've used the RME as dac only, volume was fixed to +7dB volume ref level and 0dB volume as per user manual to provide the approx. 2V standard output.
Later on because I wanted to try the dac as a preamp as well + use the loudness feature (Cyrus's remote is crap... not like the RME which is great) I've changed the volume level to auto ref volume and put the Cyrus in power amp mode.
There is one thing I can clearly hear that when the RME is in preamp mode the music is way less dynamic compare to the fixed volume option. I've used an external dB meter application on my iPad to make sure that I'm listening music on the same average dB level. Is it possible that the +7dB 0dB vol level already "overamplified" for the Cyrus and that's why I hear the fixed volume mode more dynamic than the RME preamp mode?
Additional note....when the volume is fixed (+7dB 0dB vol) the LR bars at the bottom are usually moving in the 85-95% region (rarely OVR), but when RME set's the volume level these bars are always in the middle.

With variable volume level on the RME the vol level I usually listening music is around -40-35dB and as far as I remember the volume ref level is on -5dB in this case, but I can double check....
If I would follow only my hearing of course I would prefer more dynamic sound because I can hear more details, speakers are pressurizing the room more, but
Interesting post as my friend inserted a Benchmark LA4 in his audio chain as he claimed the RME ADI-2 Dac FS sounded better at fixed higher output.

2 weeks ago I went to his place to listen to the various levels out from the RME via LA4: yes, I (we) could discern a difference. My experience was more focussed on an improvement of the midrange in his system and the LA4 was always in the chain during the various tests and I did not notice a change in dynamics, in his system, with his RME settings.

I’m not going to comment on the noted differences beyond what is reported in the previous paragraph.
That said I’ve added a preamp in my chain (ok) but I am looking to obtain a Schiit Kara (affordable) or Benchmark LA4 ($$$$) to my system and run my RME at higher fixed output.
I currently still use the RME for volume control in a narrow range; RME set at +13 dbu output and attenuate the signal with an analogue preamp.

I’m also thinking of using a fixed quality attenuator in the interim and ascertain any improvements; or not!

It will be interesting to follow this thread and subsequent comments.
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I’m also thinking of using a fixed quality attenuator in the interim and ascertain any improvements; or not!
Yes, that can help with repeatable level matching so that the comparisons can be valid. Otherwise, you can (and probably did) end up with a small level mismatch which your lying brain will interpret as "better/worse."
This is interesting. I tried the RME ADI-2 with the Topping Pre90 versus simply using RME ADI-2 DAC FS setup in Auto mode (without Pre90). I preferred the sound best with the Pre90 removed. It sounded cleaner to me.
Yes, that can help with repeatable level matching so that the comparisons can be valid. Otherwise, you can (and probably did) end up with a small level mismatch which your lying brain will interpret as "better/worse."
We were working in a range of about 10 db; from a high fixed level of the RME. Level matching was not a huge requirement as we wanted to see how the RME played in a given range. And yes, for specific testing level matching is crucial. My friend Robert did do, and is still testing with matched level outputs. It’s more difficult than we think.
This is interesting. I tried the RME ADI-2 with the Topping Pre90 versus simply using RME ADI-2 DAC FS setup in Auto mode (without Pre90). I preferred the sound best with the Pre90 removed. It sounded cleaner to me.
I’m using a Midgard as a pre to level match. Works great, but yes the Midgard is not as impactful as the RME at the low end and the soundstage changes due to its inclusion.
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Hi All. I'm using an ADI-2FS with Cryus One HD amp (streamer Wiim Pro) and I have a questions about fixed volume level/auto volume level in preamp mode.
So in the first time I've used the RME as dac only, volume was fixed to +7dB volume ref level and 0dB volume as per user manual to provide the approx. 2V standard output.
Later on because I wanted to try the dac as a preamp as well + use the loudness feature (Cyrus's remote is crap... not like the RME which is great) I've changed the volume level to auto ref volume and put the Cyrus in power amp mode.
There is one thing I can clearly hear that when the RME is in preamp mode the music is way less dynamic compare to the fixed volume option.
From the manual:
Note: Loudness works best in Auto Ref Level mode due to the seamless dBr scale of the volume control. Without Auto Ref Level active, manually changing the Ref Level will change the volume without changing the VOLume value (dB). As Loudness is referenced to a 'Low Vol Ref' setting it then might no longer work as intended, and needs the Low Vol Ref value to be adjusted.
From the manual:
Note: Loudness works best in Auto Ref Level mode due to the seamless dBr scale of the volume control. Without Auto Ref Level active, manually changing the Ref Level will change the volume without changing the VOLume value (dB). As Loudness is referenced to a 'Low Vol Ref' setting it then might no longer work as intended, and needs the Low Vol Ref value to be adjusted.
Thanks for your response. I wasn't clear enough in this part of my post, sorry. I like to use the Loudness feature in normal music listening as I get richer bass and treble at lower volume levels, but of course loudness was off in this case (and would be off anyway at -45dB as per my setup in ADI-2). The whole issue is tricky because its seems the Cyrus input - maybe - gets "too much" signal at +7dB 0dB fixed vol level which should be the standard setup and that's why the normal behavior of the RME with variable volume level sounds "less dynamic". I can imagine that the RME variable vol level provides the correct signal/voltage level to my amp input, but of course our hearing is "b@tch" and we always prefer the more dynamic sound :D
I understand (and experienced) that the Loudness feature doesn't really work with fixed volume, so I still prefer the preamp mode (with auto vol ref level), but would be happy to get the same dynamics as on the fixed volume mode.
Would it benefit from the new PSU from RME? https://rme-audio.de/dps-2.html
Oh that's a funny announcement, especially as there was a robustly defended thread on the very helpful RME forum in which RME explained their on board regulator strategy and how it made no difference to use a linear regulator.

I trust RME forum mods and technical advisers, so what's with the new linear PSU?
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Oh that's a funny announcement, especially as there was a robustly defended thread in which RME explained their on board regulator strategy and how it made no difference to use a linear regulator.

I trust RME forum mods and technical advisers, so what's with the new linear PSU?
I saw the thread about this PSU therefore I deleted my comment, but anyway, maybe it's another move into the audiophile market? The studio industry is quite saturated already and their equipment is long lasting and supported for very long, it would be no surprise if they would need to look into other niches
I saw the thread about this PSU therefore I deleted my comment, but anyway, maybe it's another move into the audiophile market? The studio industry is quite saturated already and their equipment is long lasting and supported for very long, it would be no surprise if they would need to look into other niches

This was my thinking, they gotta survive! Never the less its a bit of a departure
I saw the thread about this PSU therefore I deleted my comment, but anyway, maybe it's another move into the audiophile market? The studio industry is quite saturated already and their equipment is long lasting and supported for very long, it would be no surprise if they would need to look into other niches
Agreed, had a closer look, technically perfect from my perspective, but the price...puh

Before my ADI-2 fs became available some years ago, I was also threatened by that SPS, RME anounced to come with it. I remember MC stating that their SPSs are better than average and sufficient but I was not convinced at that time. So, when waiting for ADI-2 fs to become available, I collected some parts and built a linear regulated PS to be used with it. This was only to make sure I would never hear any faintest beat/chirp or other (digital and ground loop hum) noise from the ADI-2 fs when sweeping full range or digital zero at max/undistorted loudness (with headphones for beat/chirp and with speakers for digital zero, ears as close as possible).
Never heard nothing from that SPS! It doesn't get hot either...MC was right, at least operating the ADI-2 fs...never used my linear PS for it (except testing it).
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To be fair they're not claiming anywhere it will sound any different than the stock one, even in the manual there's this funny remark. There are some advantages to using it according to the manual, from page 13 and further (not that I understand any of it): https://rme-audio.de/downloads/dps2_e.pdf

Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 13.19.24.png
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My guess is that this was designed with the ADI 2/4 Pro in mind, which uses a different power supply than the ADI-2. You can see from the DPS-2 manual that the standard ADI 2/4 Pro power supply has a very small amount of leakage current. Almost certainly not audible but if people want to spend money to eliminate it, I see no problem with them trying to oblige.
My guess is that this was designed with the ADI 2/4 Pro in mind, which uses a different power supply than the ADI-2. You can see from the DPS-2 manual that the standard ADI 2/4 Pro power supply has a very small amount of leakage current. Almost certainly not audible but if people want to spend money to eliminate it, I see no problem with them trying to oblige.
Pretty sure I recall a comment somewhere from MC to that effect.
Oh that's a funny announcement, especially as there was a robustly defended thread on the very helpful RME forum in which RME explained their on board regulator strategy and how it made no difference to use a linear regulator.

I trust RME forum mods and technical advisers, so what's with the new linear PSU?

I do not see anything funny actually. :) Professionals like @KSTR have posted circuitry instructions to lower the RME leakage currents, for *lab/analysis purposes*.
There are also countless threads on ground loops in this forum.

Both DPS2 and LNI2 seem interesting for their intended purpose. Manual is very informative too - great coffee read for me this morning.
I do not see anything funny actually. :) Professionals like @KSTR have posted circuitry instructions to lower the RME leakage currents, for *lab/analysis purposes*.
There are also countless threads on ground loops in this forum.

Both DPS2 and LNI2 seem interesting for their intended purpose. Manual is very informative too - great coffee read for me this morning.
...Poor man's solution or just for trying out and decide later: Buy a motorcycle or UPS battery and use the ADIs with it. That's perfect as well, at 5-10% of the price of the DPS...
Even with my adi2 pro literally stuck inside a computer, my rig is perfectly noise free as-is, and I do not have audible ground loops to fight.

I was reading the manuals to see the specs and measurements, out of curiosity. RME has well-written manuals, they are usually very clear and written from a user perspective. At times I link them to my teammates (job is completely unrelated to audio) when they do poor attempts at documenting stuff, to show them how a good manual looks.
Prefer not to have batteries lying around, even in my WAF-exempt room :) I’m pretty sure there are many cheaper ways to achieve the same result, but they will be uglier/more time consuming/without warranty/<insert random reason not to DIY>. This topic is hardly new, and I won’t expand it further :)

(I also really appreciated KSTR’s setup from a personal learnings perspective, ie fiddling with my adi 2 pro outside of audio reproduction. )
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