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RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE vs Neumann MT 48 as DAC

Mickael Marin

Dec 22, 2023
Hi everyone,

Actually, I have an Orion studio synergy core, and I would want to upgrade the DA conversion (orion have optical in/out). I also need a good headphone output to drive my hd800s and my focal clear mg pro.

I hesitate between RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE and Neumann MT 48.

If someone listened this 2 devices, I m very happy to know which of this 2 have better DA and headphone output.

I would be very surprise if you can hear a difference between high quality interfaces and yours is. Apollo has a good documentation for your interface with all the data to make a decision.

I would not add a different d/a if I would not need more channels.
I would be very surprise if you can hear a difference between high quality interfaces and yours is. Apollo has a good documentation for your interface with all the data to make a decision.

I would not add a different d/a if I would not need more channels.
My main interface is not an uad apollo, it is an antelope orion studio sc. My purpose is not to grow my in/out but rather increase the quality of my main monitor(treated room with Dynaudio BM5a) and headphone (I work 50% of time with an headphone).

Before I buy a 2000€ device I would want an opinion from someone who use this 2 devices.

My purpose is not to grow my in/out but rather increase the quality of my main monitor(treated room with Dynaudio BM5a) and headphone (I work 50% of time with an headphone).
So, what’s wrong with that now? What and how do you think a new interface will improve things?
For monitor output I don't think the improvement will be hudge but for the headphone output I think yes. The impedance of the antelope output is 120ohms and I have few headphone under 100ohms of impedance (focal clear mg pro, hd-25, audio technica ath-m50x, and old ultrasone pro 900). For example my hd-25 (70ohms) sound better from my old motu M4 rather than the antelope. For the hd800s the sound is good but I tried with heaphone amp (lake people G105) of my friend and the hd800s sounds better.

Why not just get a separate headphone amp? They are way cheaper than a new interface.

As for the output impedance figure? Got any specs on that? If true and power is enough, you can just EQ the bass boost away.
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Hi everyone,

Actually, I have an Orion studio synergy core, and I would want to upgrade the DA conversion (orion have optical in/out). I also need a good headphone output to drive my hd800s and my focal clear mg pro.

I hesitate between RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE and Neumann MT 48.

If someone listened this 2 devices, I m very happy to know which of this 2 have better DA and headphone output.

I have had both the Rme and the mt48. I have done a shootouts with the Orion as well. The mt48 and Rme were noticeably better than
Hi everyone,

Actually, I have an Orion studio synergy core, and I would want to upgrade the DA conversion (orion have optical in/out). I also need a good headphone output to drive my hd800s and my focal clear mg pro.

I hesitate between RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE and Neumann MT 48.

If someone listened this 2 devices, I m very happy to know which of this 2 have better DA and headphone output.

I have had both and done shootouts with many other converters including the synergy. The mt48 and Rme were both noticeably better than the synergy. More detail, depth, width, low and top end extension. We’re talking high end converters here. The difference between the 2 could be argued that it is subjective, they are both very good. However imo there is a smoothness, a naturalness to the sound of the mt48 that the Rme doesn’t have. While the Rme is very good, super detailed , it sounds a bit “cold” or maybe “sterile” in comparison. However it’s a decent step up from the synergy.

Now I think the average listener might not notice a big difference or any difference at all. But we aren’t average listeners are we. They are close in quality and the difference between the two could be described as small , there’s a much larger gap between these two and the synergy. You’re getting a lot more functionality with the mt48 as well. Also the mt48 let’s you change the headphone impedance.

I think you’d be happy with both, and notice an improvement over what you have.
However imo there is a smoothness, a naturalness to the sound of the mt48 that the Rme doesn’t have. While the Rme is very good, super detailed , it sounds a bit “cold” or maybe “sterile” in comparison.
How did you compare? Sighted? Could it be that the gold finish of the MT 48 vs the black RME influenced this perception? :cool:

Also the mt48 let’s you change the headphone impedance.
Emm, what does it mean?
I have had both the Rme and the mt48. I have done a shootouts with the Orion as well. The mt48 and Rme were noticeably better than

I have had both and done shootouts with many other converters including the synergy. The mt48 and Rme were both noticeably better than the synergy. More detail, depth, width, low and top end extension. We’re talking high end converters here. The difference between the 2 could be argued that it is subjective, they are both very good. However imo there is a smoothness, a naturalness to the sound of the mt48 that the Rme doesn’t have. While the Rme is very good, super detailed , it sounds a bit “cold” or maybe “sterile” in comparison. However it’s a decent step up from the synergy.

Now I think the average listener might not notice a big difference or any difference at all. But we aren’t average listeners are we. They are close in quality and the difference between the two could be described as small , there’s a much larger gap between these two and the synergy. You’re getting a lot more functionality with the mt48 as well. Also the mt48 let’s you change the headphone impedance.

I think you’d be happy with both, and notice an improvement over what you have.
thanks for your feedback, I think I will go to MT 48.

Since you have an MT 48, I'm curious about the headphone amplifier. Is the power sufficient for the following headphone (for hd800s precisly):

- sennheiser hd800s (300ohms, 102Db sensibility)
- focal clear mg pro (55ohms, 104Db sensibility)
- audeze MM-500 (19 ohms 100db, my next purchase)
- earsonics in ear monitor (24Ohm , 127Db sensibility)

If yes I think I ll sold my headphone amplifier (LP G105 mk2).
thanks for your feedback, I think I will go to MT 48.

Since you have an MT 48, I'm curious about the headphone amplifier. Is the power sufficient for the following headphone (for hd800s precisly):

- sennheiser hd800s (300ohms, 102Db sensibility)
- focal clear mg pro (55ohms, 104Db sensibility)
- audeze MM-500 (19 ohms 100db, my next purchase)
- earsonics in ear monitor (24Ohm , 127Db sensibility)

If yes I think I ll sold my headphone amplifier (LP G105 mk2).
I'm curious too
First time poster. I'm curious about this comparison myself. I just upgraded from ADI-2 FS to ADI-2 pro FS (found a good used deal). I tried the Babyface pro fs. Love it, but it doesn't have enough EQ on the ins and outs. There was a world of difference between these devices and an Apollo X6. I was mad when I realized I couldn't send it back. One of the best purchases I've made for mixing and mastering, though. Paired with LCD-X, it's amazing. Hoping to get some of those MM-500's someday soon. Plenty of power in these for Audeze's.
Sorry for asking here but I couldn’t find it anywhere else, there is the mergis Anubis and the mt48 that I would like to use as a dac interface for listening music with my system I did check the specs on the Anubis and are very promising, should I go for this or a Gustard top dac?
I have Rme babyface Pro Fs. Short answer: Neumann MT48 is better in every sound department! General listening much better less fatiguing vut at the same time more detailed. Better lows more tight more defined. Also percussions, high hats more defined like bigger resolution but again less fatiguing! That is major one for me! That was on klotz cables then I changed on Mogami gold cables and difference was even bigger. Crazy difference Neumann mt48 Klotz vs Mogami gold. But interesting thing is I have Tannoy Gold 8 coaxial speaker when I was using Rme Babyface pro FS and compared Klotz vs Mogami cables Mogami were too bright anoying so I went back on Klotz. But with Neumann Mt48 Mogami is better im every deparment. Which is super interesting and LESS anoying:) not sure how is that possible but thats the truth. So again buy Neumann Mt48 and don't look back. And for everyone asking themselfs if Rme Adi2 pro fs is better. It is not! Like a guy up wrote he described it perfectly. Neumann is more nutral not pushing super high detail that is anoying to listen and it is not better because Neumann is already super defined, precise, and high resolution just in a more neutral real way. Believe me on my words anything similiar and almost the same is Mergin Anubis cause same people made both. So buy one of those two hut neumann is probably even better for normal studio use
Believe me on my words
This is an AudioScienceReview, so we will need more than just your word for it. You make some highly unlikely claims.
This is an AudioScienceReview, so we will need more than just your word for it. You make some highly unlikely claims.
I have been noticing recently some kind of influx of such posts by accounts with a very modest contribution/participation on the ASR forum, something that prompts me to wonder if we are being targeted by some kind of a chatbot network, or is it just some seasonal trolling thing...
Hi everyone,

Actually, I have an Orion studio synergy core, and I would want to upgrade the DA conversion (orion have optical in/out). I also need a good headphone output to drive my hd800s and my focal clear mg pro.

I hesitate between RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE and Neumann MT 48.

If someone listened this 2 devices, I m very happy to know which of this 2 have better DA and headphone output.

RME has great headphone amplifiers. Also it's very solid and stable.
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