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Revel M16 bookshelf speakers vs JBL 308P (Mk.ii) monitors

Yorkshire Mouth

Major Contributor
Apr 22, 2020
God's County - Yorkshire
I'll post the quick bit up first, then a longer message to anyone who can be bothered listening to me rattle on.

Current system: Topping EX5 DAC/headphone amp/pre-amp, into Sennheiser HD600 headphones, and Denon UDM31 amp into Monitor Audio Bronze BX1 speakers & BK XLS200-DF subwoofer.

Two possible upgrade paths:

Set-up 1 - Topping into both Sennheiser headphones and a 2.1 system of 2 x JBL 308P (Mk.ii) monitors and JBL 310S subwoofer - the balanced outs would go from the Topping into the sub, which would set a crossover as to what it would send on to the monitors.


Set-up 2 - WiiM Amp into the BK sub and a pair of Revel M16s. Topping/Sennheisers kept separate from the speaker system. Suffice to say, this is provisional, and dependent on the WiiM measuring well if/whem Amir gets his hands on one.

Initially the set up was going to be the JBLs in a small room 2.5m x 3m, seating distance c.1.0m-1.2m, firing the 'wrong way' (across the width of the room rather than down the length).

But now the room it will be in is 5m x 3m, seating distance c.1.5m, firing down the length of the room.

Which to choose? Okay, just reply at this point if you wish, or read on if you want know more.

Set-up 1 has the advantage of me already having the sub, and of the sub being (I believe) better. Total fresh outlay would be £300 for the WiiM and £500-£550 for the Revels, so £800-£850. I also think the Revels have a better WAF. Possible issues may be sitting fairly close to 'traditional speakers' rather than studio monitors. Also the distortion on the Revels is lower, and there ae no reports of the hiss that you can get from the JBLs. I believe this system will be more flexible in future, and will go louder, too.

Set-up 2 has the advantage of the frequency response of the JBLs being a little flatter than the Revels when in nearfield, and with both speakers and headphones being fed by the Topping, maybe a tad tidier. Also, I suspect that, no matter how good the WiiM DAC is, it won't be as good as the Topping, though whether any difference will be audible is another matter. Total fresh outlay would be £400 for the monitors and £450-£500 for the sub, so c.£850-£900.

Please comment as you see fit - correct anything I've got wrong. etc.

Many thanks.
For me I would no doubt choose the Revel set-up. No hiss, better looking, wider dispersion and likely to keep working for alot longer.

I don't know what would sound better, though. But if you're anything like me, the only thing you'll hear after awhile is the hiss.
1.5m may still be close enough to hear the hiss from the JBLs, if yours end up being as hissy as my 305s. I have them wired up to a switchable power strip under my desk, but that might not work or be very convenient for your room layout. I love the sound quality but the hiss is definitely something to consider, it will only get more annoying with time, not less!
Cheers everyone.

The conversation / my decision making has moved on:

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