Major Contributor
Hi amigos,
Just got my new Purifi Amplifier, after all, it remains conventional. But it has a custom "made in Italy" Buffer.
The Buffer involves 3 Genuine OP Amps Muse 02 + 03 (one single and two dual, I will give a test with some OPA1656 that I have in stock)
The Buffer globally improve the headroom. The OP Amps U1 is the main one, the Op Amps U2 and U3 help to increase te output current and help to better drive the Purifi modules. (if needed, with a simple modification U2 and U3 can be bypassed).
The little SMPS unit you seen @the side is in charge of the Power On led. Strangely on my first version, I had a problem with the switch and the led ... so as not to "stress" the led, I added this isolated power supply .It may be exaggerated at first glance but in the end it works well)
Some pictures :

Just got my new Purifi Amplifier, after all, it remains conventional. But it has a custom "made in Italy" Buffer.
The Buffer involves 3 Genuine OP Amps Muse 02 + 03 (one single and two dual, I will give a test with some OPA1656 that I have in stock)
The Buffer globally improve the headroom. The OP Amps U1 is the main one, the Op Amps U2 and U3 help to increase te output current and help to better drive the Purifi modules. (if needed, with a simple modification U2 and U3 can be bypassed).
The little SMPS unit you seen @the side is in charge of the Power On led. Strangely on my first version, I had a problem with the switch and the led ... so as not to "stress" the led, I added this isolated power supply .It may be exaggerated at first glance but in the end it works well)
Some pictures :