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Playing PCM to DSD Native with foobar2000

Mine has been on and working fine for many months. What broke? HS01 had the heat problem, it was constantly well over the room temperature - hot to the touch. HS02 seems a lot better in that respect.

Yes, you can cook eggs on the HS01.
I meant to send it back but now I think I'll keep it as a backup.
Will probably "dress it" with some copper heatsinks.

Today, out of the blue, when I started playing music with the D50s it was a mess. High pitched clicks, like the DAC had some issues.
Worse with DSD256 content, a waterfall, like the bitrate was a factor.
It smelled like a USB problem and indeed it was the HS02. Not the slightest issue till today.

Tried keeping it disconnected for a while, powering it via USB, tried many different USB PSUs, etc etc.
At the end now works better but here and there there's a click or a pop while playing.
Every 5 minutes quite a few, very annoying, unusable.

I was really happy about the HS02 till today, it's just mildly warm even with external power.
Also with the measurements, clearly working better than the HS01.
The HS01 would have been good enough but it gets really too hot, doesn't matter if in use or with external power.
I have to hope I don't get unlucky also with the 2nd unit...
Mine has been on and working fine for many months. What broke? HS01 had the heat problem, it was constantly well over the room temperature - hot to the touch. HS02 seems a lot better in that respect.

Maybe the issues I had with DoP were also partially due to the HS01.
Today I couldn't reproduce anything in Native DSD and DoP was just playing a few seconds and then silence and reverting to 44.1 kHz.
Had to disconnect the HS01 and started working again...
Not the first time I had to do it.

In the short time the HS02 was working fine, didn't have this issue.
Only had once an issue that needed unplugging and never had it again since I powered it externally.

Seems they both need external power to work properly, even if the DAC is not USB powered.
Problem is that the HS01 gets crazy hot with external USB power... the HS02 keeps almost the same temperature.
Maybe the issues I had with DoP were also partially due to the HS01.
Today I couldn't reproduce anything in Native DSD and DoP was just playing a few seconds and then silence and reverting to 44.1 kHz.
Had to disconnect the HS01 and started working again...
Not the first time I had to do it.

In the short time the HS02 was working fine, didn't have this issue.
Only had once an issue that needed unplugging and never had it again since I powered it externally.

Seems they both need external power to work properly, even if the DAC is not USB powered.
Problem is that the HS01 gets crazy hot with external USB power... the HS02 keeps almost the same temperature.

I've not been using HS01 or HS02 with external power, but I assume this has to do with the devices I'm feeding. The devices I'm using don't run off the USB power. They only need it for the initial detection. If your device needs USB power, I can imagine that a large current draw might cause more stress/more heat at the isolator.
I've not been using HS01 or HS02 with external power, but I assume this has to do with the devices I'm feeding. The devices I'm using don't run off the USB power. They only need it for the initial detection. If your device needs USB power, I can imagine that a large current draw might cause more stress/more heat at the isolator.

Shouldn't be needed also for the Topping D50s I'm using but the HS01 works better when powered externally.
I only had one issue with the HS02, so I'm not sure if external power was really helping.
But I ended up using it also with the HS02, just to be sure.
Not a single issue then, till it failed.
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