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Neumann KH 120 II vs. KH 150


Oct 4, 2022
I am about to buy a pair of Neumann KH 120 II or KH 150 for my living room, mainly SACD and high-res streaming at moderate levels, which will be mounted on original wall mount brackets and measured with the MA 1 microphone in the listening position.

The listening distance: 3.5 meters between the monitors and 5.0 meters from the wall where the monitors will be to the listening position.

I know the measurements of the ‘listening triangle’ are not ideal, but this is how it has to be and this can not be changed.

I am aware of the KH 150’s 5 Hz lower range and 0.7 dB higher SPL. For my setup, these are subtle differences which I am in doubt about, whether the +70 percent higher cost of the KH 150 can be justified.

Can you share some thoughts about these possible setups in my living room?

And, also the differences between these two monitors in my living room?

I know the measurements of the ‘listening triangle’ are not ideal, but this is how it has to be and this can not be changed.
Tell me about it. :)

The KH150 has lower distortion at high SPL, since you're listening at 5m (probably a bit further away than they're designed for) I would go with the KH150 if it is not a fiscal hardship for you. I think either will sound pretty good (both have fairly ideal FR and dispersion) but I'm thinking that the better 96dB THD showing with the 150 is maybe worth paying attention to for your situation.

Oh, and welcome to ASR!
I had the KH120 II's and can say that at 5m you will definitely be at the limit of what they offer. My listening position was at about 4m and while they definitely can sound louder than you'd expect, at that distance I'd definitely go for the 150's. You can probably find them on the used market for signficantly cheaper.. otherwise I'd buy the 120II's from a place that will accept returns just to demo them.
Do check the manual for the designed working distance. I suspect for your 5m use case, the KH150 would likely be the better fit.
I'm still unsure if the the price difference is worth it
I'm still unsure if the the price difference is worth it View attachment 371786View attachment 371787

So you did not read the answers to all the times you asked the same question before?

Which is a better bargain ,
KH150 or KH120II?

How are the KH150 a significant step up?

What's the verdict on KH120 II + a sub vs KH150 in a small room ?

KH120II +a sub vs KH150
Which is better ?

What are the main differences between KH120 and KH150?

What's the difference between the KH120 and KH150 SQ wise ?

@1-2 meters
How much more KH150 would be better ?

Is the KH150 worth the extra $$$ over kh120 II?

KH120II + a sub
or KH150 no sub ?

So basically the KH150 is not worth the extra $$$ vs KH120 II?

At 1-1.5 meters
Would it be possible to hear a big difference between KH120 II and KH150?

Is the KH150 worth basically double the KH120 II price ?

Is the KH150 really worth almost double the price of the KH120II when using as nearfield @1-2 meters ?
View attachment 337142

Is the KH150 a big upgrade over KH120?

You are doing the same with asking for comparisons between KH310 and KH150 or Genelec and Neumann models. Over and over and over again.

@BDWoody and @AdamG - how can we stop this madness?
My take for a typical living room situation rather than a close-up desktop would be to go larger if at all possible, accepting the dispersion wouldn't be an issue with monitors like this. Smaller bass units have to work damned hard to get any spl at bass frequencies (I know, in the US you automatically recommend a sub or two), but without a sub, I think I'd rather have a larger bass-mid driver working less hard at *any* volume...
So you did not read the answers to all the times you asked the same question before?

You are doing the same with asking for comparisons between KH310 and KH150 or Genelec and Neumann models. Over and over and over again.

@BDWoody and @AdamG - how can we stop this madness?
Apparently he is perpetually inquisitive and insatiable when it comes to what other members think and he wants to know their thoughts and impressions. He didn’t start this thread. Therefore my best recommendation is to not engage or respond to his inquiries. I don’t see the harm here other than your annoyance at his level of continued engagement. The madness as you say is when the same people keep engaging with him. You are free to not read this thread.

One of the primary purposes of this Forum is for people to ask technical questions and get sound and well reasoned answers from our resident members. We want our members, new and old to keep asking questions and to feel comfortable doing that. I have a feeling that you are not going to like my response very much. I am OK with that. He’s not hurting anyone and he seems to be genuinely interested and in the process of learning. What’s not to like about that?
Apparently he is perpetually inquisitive and insatiable when it comes to what other members think and he wants to know their thoughts and impressions. He didn’t start this thread. Therefore my best recommendation is to not engage or respond to his inquiries. I don’t see the harm here other than your annoyance at his level of continued engagement. The madness as you say is when the same people keep engaging with him. You are free to not read this thread.
I have him on my ignorelist for years, but i can't ignore everyone who answers. The harm is, that the questions are not constructive, because they can't be answered in a meaningful way. They are formulated based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of things. "Which one is better?" "Is A worth more than B?" and so. You are always forced to explain why "it depends". So, these questions often start misleading and counterproductive discussions, hijacking threads, sucking off time and energy and deflecting from useful information.
For people trying to be helpful and constructive, it is frustrating.

One of the primary purposes of this Forum is for people to ask technical questions and get sound and well reasoned answers from our resident members. We want our members, new and old to keep asking questions and to feel comfortable doing that. I have a feeling that you are not going to like my response very much. I am OK with that. He’s not hurting anyone and he seems to be genuinely interested and in the process of learning. What’s not to like about that?
He is asking the same counterproductive questions for years in the same way - i can see no learning. He is not processing the answers he already got. He doesn't even learn how to ask a question to get meaningful answers. I don't know how many hours people have spent explaining the same basic principles to him countless times in the last 4+ years to him.
I tried a lot of times to convince him directly but have given up, so i am adressing you as mods now. With the collection i tried showing data on what he does.
If you encourage him to continue this way, that's your choice and i try to ignore it as good as i can in the future.
It is frustrating, but i'll try to get over it. I don't want to capture this thread even longer.
I have him on my ignorelist for years, but i can't ignore everyone who answers. The harm is, that the questions are not constructive, because they can't be answered in a meaningful way. They are formulated based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of things. "Which one is better?" "Is A worth more than B?" and so. You are always forced to explain why "it depends". So, these questions often start misleading and counterproductive discussions, hijacking threads, sucking off time and energy and deflecting from useful information.
For people trying to be helpful and constructive, it is frustrating.

He is asking the same counterproductive questions for years in the same way - i can see no learning. He is not processing the answers he already got. He doesn't even learn how to ask a question to get meaningful answers. I don't know how many hours people have spent explaining the same basic principles to him countless times in the last 4+ years to him.
I tried a lot of times to convince him directly but have given up, so i am adressing you as mods now. With the collection i tried showing data on what he does.
If you encourage him to continue this way, that's your choice and i try to ignore it as good as i can in the future.
It is frustrating, but i'll try to get over it. I don't want to capture this thread even longer.
You have many valid points and we understand your concerns and frustrations. Let us further discuss this internally and get back to you. Absolutely not trying to blow this off.
I have him on my ignorelist for years, but i can't ignore everyone who answers. The harm is, that the questions are not constructive, because they can't be answered in a meaningful way. They are formulated based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of things. "Which one is better?" "Is A worth more than B?" and so. You are always forced to explain why "it depends". So, these questions often start misleading and counterproductive discussions, hijacking threads, sucking off time and energy and deflecting from useful information.
For people trying to be helpful and constructive, it is frustrating.

He is asking the same counterproductive questions for years in the same way - i can see no learning. He is not processing the answers he already got. He doesn't even learn how to ask a question to get meaningful answers. I don't know how many hours people have spent explaining the same basic principles to him countless times in the last 4+ years to him.
I tried a lot of times to convince him directly but have given up, so i am adressing you as mods now. With the collection i tried showing data on what he does.
If you encourage him to continue this way, that's your choice and i try to ignore it as good as i can in the future.
It is frustrating, but i'll try to get over it. I don't want to capture this thread even longer.
Well you are on my ignore list now too
Because recently you attacked me for pretty much every comment I made.
Let me explain for once and for all.
1.There's a language barrier , so it's not easy to be exact with what you want to say .
2. We'll I keep asking because I'm not certain even after people have answered .
And many people have different opinions , some say the differences are small between them some say small.
3. When you don't have a big budget and you buy not from your country , you take a big risk if you don't like the sound you're screwed you have to pay the VAT , or sell at a big loss.
4. There are always new opinions from other people which is important to make the final decision .
Honestly I don't see how is it your business or concern what I ask ?
I read a million times the same questions on here and every time I learn something new because there are new answers from new and different people
5. It's a forum , you're supposed to ask stuff
6. I censor myself a lot and honestly started to be worried about starting new threads about anything after the criticism
So If I can't even ask relevant questions inside the relevant thread , what is even left for me ?
Well you are on my ignore list now too
Because recently you attacked me for pretty much every comment I made.
Let me explain for once and for all.
1.There's a language barrier , so it's not easy to be exact with what you want to say .
2. We'll I keep asking because I'm not certain even after people have answered .
And many people have different opinions , some say the differences are small between them some say small.
3. When you don't have a big budget and you buy not from your country , you take a big risk if you don't like the sound you're screwed you have to pay the VAT , or sell at a big loss.
4. There are always new opinions from other people which is important to make the final decision .
Honestly I don't see how is it your business or concern what I ask ?
I read a million times the same questions on here and every time I learn something new because there are new answers from new and different people
5. It's a forum , you're supposed to ask stuff
6. I censor myself a lot and honestly started to be worried about starting new threads about anything after the criticism
So If I can't even ask relevant questions inside the relevant thread , what is even left for me ?
For example, I think it would be helpful, if you made a summary of arguments and opinions you know already and ask more specifically, if there are other opinions or more aspects you don't know. This would serve
- you, because you get more diverse and specific answers
- people who answered your questions before, because they see you have read and understood them, or give the opportunity to explain more
- other people with the same questions, because you could contribute an overview over some answers, so they don't need to search for it.

This is of course more work than just writing "which one is better?" for the 10th time. Regarding the language barrier i suggest using Deepl or something like that?

To be fair, i admit i got very sensitive about your posts at some point.
Well you are on my ignore list now too
Because recently you attacked me for pretty much every comment I made.
Let me explain for once and for all.
1.There's a language barrier , so it's not easy to be exact with what you want to say .
2. We'll I keep asking because I'm not certain even after people have answered .
And many people have different opinions , some say the differences are small between them some say small.
3. When you don't have a big budget and you buy not from your country , you take a big risk if you don't like the sound you're screwed you have to pay the VAT , or sell at a big loss.
4. There are always new opinions from other people which is important to make the final decision .
Honestly I don't see how is it your business or concern what I ask ?
I read a million times the same questions on here and every time I learn something new because there are new answers from new and different people
5. It's a forum , you're supposed to ask stuff
6. I censor myself a lot and honestly started to be worried about starting new threads about anything after the criticism
So If I can't even ask relevant questions inside the relevant thread , what is even left for me ?
For example, I think it would be helpful, if you made a summary of arguments and opinions you know already and ask more specifically, if there are other opinions or more aspects you don't know. This would serve
- you, because you get more diverse and specific answers
- people who answered your questions before, because they see you have read and understood them, or give the opportunity to explain more
- other people with the same questions, because you could contribute an overview over some answers, so they don't need to search for it.

This is of course more work than just writing "which one is better?" for the 10th time. Regarding the language barrier i suggest using Deepl or something like that?

To be fair, i admit i got very sensitive about your posts at some point.
OK, let’s end this. Brad and I had a detailed conversation about this exact situation and both he and I see no problem with @Pearljam5000 ’s questions. We have to ask ourselves why would he troll like this and does he seem disingenuous to us? We both agree that the answer is no. He seems like a legitimate member who has a specific Audio knowledge itch and he is scratching that itch here. What a better place to ask technical questions and get highly qualified and informed answers?

He has done nothing wrong and at this time he does not deserve the personal ridicule and contempt he seems to be receiving. So we ask that this treatment stop now. He is a member in good standing and has a clean record with 5K posts to his credit. Let’s cut him some slack and treat him with respect and dignity that every member deserves here. ;)

As a gesture of goodwill let’s call a truce and let’s all try a little bit harder to have compassion for our fellow members and keep in mind that this Forum serves members from around this great big planet. Many do not speak English as their first language or even their second language. Trying to fully understand what someone says in an unfamiliar language can be daunting. Let’s decide to be friends rather than enemies. Don’t we have enough negativity to escape by coming here and sharing our passion for beautiful music and new friendships!
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