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Marantz CD-63/2 Review (CD Player)


Addicted to Fun and Learning
Forum Donor
Apr 27, 2018
Hello Everyone,

This is a review and detailed measurements of the Marantz CD-63 stereo CD player.

Marantz CD-63_002.jpg

In this review, all measurements you're about to see were not performed by me but a friend whom I taught how to, and who's using my test files the same way I do. The only major difference is that his capturing interface is a Focusrite Gen3 2i2, while I use a Motu Ultralite Mk5, and it's good enough to capture old CD Player performances.

So basically, I'm just the messenger here, but it's also the proof we/you can replicate the same at home to compare your CD player with minimum requirements, see how to here.

Marantz CD-63/2 - Presentation

This is the "second" version of the CD-63 which was released in 1993. The initial CD-63 was of the first CD players to be released in 1982, so we are talking of a different beast here.

Marantz later released an MKII and a KI version of the same player. If some of you have those, the comparison would be interesting.

The "standard" CD-63/2 was a member of a small family, with the CD-43 and CD-53, and so topping that range. All versions (also including the subsequent MKII and KI by the way) used an NPC oversampling/converter SM5872BS and a Philips mech, the CDM 12.1.

The back shows us the essential, and we like to see digital outputs which were available only with the CD-63:

Marantz CD-63_003.jpg

Inside, we find a copper plated (or insulated, I'm not sure) chassis and a big card managing everything, from servo to conversion and analog output via Marantz HDAM of the time:

Marantz CD-63_001.jpg

Out of the three CD-43/53/63, only the CD-63 was benefiting from the now famous HDAM output stage from Marantz, as we can tell from the service manual:

Marantz CD-63_004.jpg

Remote control was reserved to CD-53 and CD-63 while phones output was available with all of them.

Marantz CD-63/2 - Measurements

The below measurements are aligned with those that I described on the Onkyo C-733 review. So it allows direct comparison.

The Marantz CD-63/2 outputs 2Vrsm from its RCA. There was a slight channel imbalance 0.1dB (this is good). The RCA outputs are non-inverting.

Here you go with an improved 1kHz test tone, and that is a non-standard 999.91Hz sine @0dBFS (undithered) from the test CD (RCA out), which has the very interesting property to somehow self-dither and therefore allow a higher precision of distortion and noise analysis:

Marantz CD-63_999.91Hz_0dBFS_LR.jpg

Right and left channels are shown and are almost identical, it's not so often. THD sits at -92dB and that is good, even if not best in class. The additional "good news" here is that it's mainly H2 dominated and that one is more difficult to hear because the masking effect is more pronounced (than it would have been with H5 for instance).

With full scale signal, the calculated SNR is still good, even though not best in class, again. The SINAD and ENOB loses nearly a bit because of low level correlated noise, too bad.

Now I'm used to provide you with the same view at -6dBFS (still 999.91Hz undithered tone):

Marantz CD-63_999.91Hz_-6dBFS_LR.jpg

And it's an additional good news to see reduced distortion here (-101dB) relative to signal.

Less good is what happens below 1kHz and that I'm sure you already spotted. Let's zoom:

Marantz CD-63_PS_LR.jpg

The power supply spuriae at the AC wall frequency (50Hz Europe) with related harmonics are relatively low in amplitude (below -110dBr), unlikely to be heard. That said, we see other unknown (to me) source of noise, especially these two spikes at respectively 175Hz and 217Hz. Some of you might have an explanation.

Let's continue with Bandwidth:

Marantz CD-63_BW02_LR.jpg

We see the 0.1dB channel imbalance, and the ringing at the end of the view is related to the oversampling filter. We have -0.3dB at 20kHz, within the specs of the converter.
The filter response is very close to the theoretical response published in the SM5872A datasheet (linear frequency scale below):


Let's stay on the oversampling filter with that wider band response view below:

Marantz CD-63_Filter.jpg

The attenuation, out of band, is relatively low, and documented at minimum 53dB in the SM5872A datasheet which is what we see here. This view is an overlay with the standard AES test (18kHz + 20kHz) which shows relatively high IMD distortion, because of poor filter attenuation. We see high level aliases of 18k+20k at 26k+24k, etc...

Multitone (1/10 decade) shows a happy CD player, not having issue to clear 16bits of data (L+R channels shown):

Marantz CD-63_MT_LR.jpg

Next with the jitter test:

Marantz CD-63_JTest.jpg

This is an overlay of the digital test file (red) and the RCA outputs of the Marantz CD-63 (blue). This is a bit disappointing compared to other CD players, but will remain a challenge to hear...

Started with the Teac VRDS-20 review, and on your request + support to get it done (more here), I'm adding now an "intersample-overs" test which intends to identify the behavior of the digital filtering and DAC when it come to process near clipping signals. Because of the oversampling, there might be interpolated data that go above 0dBFS and would saturate (clip) the DAC and therefore the output. And this effect shows through distorsion (THD+N measurement up to 96kHz):

Intersample-overs tests
Bandwidth of the THD+N measurements is 20Hz - 96kHz
5512.5 Hz sine,
Peak = +0.69dBFS
7350 Hz sine,
Peak = +1.25dBFS
11025 Hz sine,
Peak = +3.0dBFS
Teac VRDS-20NANA-17.6dB
Yamaha CD-1 (Non-Oversampling CD Player)-86.4dB-84.9dB-78.3dB
Onkyo C-733-88.3dB-40.4dB-21.2dB
Marantz CD-63/2-34.9dB-28.9dB-18.9dB

I kept some references and I will keep the same for other reviews, so you can quickly compare. The results of the Marantz CD-63/2 mean the oversampling filter has no headroom to handle intersample-overs and is therefore clipping where it's most likely to happen. The Yamaha CD-1 shines here because it's old enough not to have an oversampling filter.

Other measurements (not shown):
  • IMD AES-17 DFD "Analog" (18kHz & 20kHz 1:1) : -61dB
  • Dynamic Range : 96.5dB
  • Crosstalk: -106dB (100Hz) -86dB (1kHz), -67dB (10kHz)
  • Pitch Error : 19'996.86Hz (19'997Hz requested) ie -0.0007%
IMD and Crosstalk are far from best in class.

Last but not least, I like to have a look a the THD vs Frequency when using a -12dBFS signal. This has proven to me to be a key differentiator, especially when I'm reviewing an old CD Player using R2R conversion. Here are the results with the Marantz (Left and Right analog Channels shown):

Marantz CD-63_THDvsFreq_LR.jpg

This is not bad but we see an unusual high level of distortion at lower frequencies. The plot is at 1kHz were we see 4-5dB more distortion than the Onkyo, and that is really reasonable (-94dB relative to the signal).


First, sorry, no review of the digital outputs simply because the measuring interface (Focusrite 2i2 Gen3) does not have digital inputs.

With these results and even considering the period, we are in the mid-range performances. Not much of a concern, though, about the potential consequences when listening to music, except with intersample-overs.

Now, to be honest, I'd love to put my hands on an MKII and/or KI versions to see the differences. But from the above and compared to the JVC XL-335 from the same period, there was room for improvements... On a conversion and especially oversampling filtering perspective, it will remain the same since we are already there per the datasheet. Same with distortion, by the way (said to be 0.002% best case, that is -94dB @0dBFS, again exactly what we get here).

Low level correlated and random noise can certainly be improved, maybe jitter too. I suppose this is where Marantz and Ken made a difference(?).

I hope you enjoyed this review. It was an opportunity to show you that we can now share reviews using not so expensive interfaces for the measurements, and the results are directly comparable.


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I'd love to go back in time and do the comparison of the original CD63 such as this one and the KI Signature version that at the time, I could swear 'sounded different!'

Apologies to arch objectivists for what follows, but I recall the stock player like this, sounding fine in a high end (Krell/Apogee) system - safe as houses rather than spectacular - and the KI version almost stripping paint in direct comparison, so much more 'HiFi' it was in presentation. Eye-Fi I don't think, as the two machines looked broadly the same. Along with a matching amp they made and other CD players with 'KI' on them, I'm inclined to think these tarted up versions were actually worse than the stock ones.

It'd probably turn out the two versions are more similar than I remember. I'l trawl the HiFi Choice scans and see how it was reviewed back then...
It could have been a difference in the output level (voluntary or not by Marantz). The converter in use here can vary from 1.8Vrms to 2.2Vrms, and that's 1.7dB, something that would make a significant difference when directly comparing without adjusting levels. And that would be with the exact same player.

Now, Marantz could have played with their HDAM output buffer I/V Filter (whatever is does) to adjust the level to what they desire, especially with MKII and KI versions. Reason why it would be interesting to test ;)
Didn’t Ken also put some fancy gold/copper parts inside the Signature version. And not just the gold signature logo on the front!
The inner frame is made of steel covered with self-adhesive copper sheets.

I doubt this is the job of the manufacturer. I suspect this particular device has been tweaked somehow.
I'm just impressed to see players this old that have lasers that work well enough not to skip. I had to give up on my 90s players. Too many skips and read errors and not enough value to actually repair them.

I am the owner of the tested CD player below and I would like to express my gratitude to Florent (NTTY) for everything he taught me. I used his test CD to make the measurements. I bought this player second-hand and indeed its former owner added a copper film to the chassis. Not sure that it brings anything in the improvement of the CD player. A big thank you to NTTY for this excellent presentation that he is now used to sharing with us. It should be noted that making the measurements and the presentation takes time but that in the end the information shared allows everyone to have factual data on a device.
The Philips CDM12 is not the brand's best in terms of durability, but even today it is still easy to find a functional one. It is also easy to replace.

Note that I'm living in France

Thanks reading my first post
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Hey, nice to see you here my friend! ;)
The nostalgia. Thanks for this review and effort taken.

I had a CD63 MKII Special Edition when I first got into this hobby 30 years ago. Never knew what was special about it as it was the only model available where I am at. Served me well for many years. But alas the CD servo mechanism failed eventually and I sold it away. My 300 CD collection is now digitized into FLAC and I hardly use CD players anymore. For my use cases, it just doesn't compare to the convenience of music streaming.
Yeah, I have a lot of CDs that are not available via streaming services, so we don't have all the same requirements. And it's not only those CDs produced in few numbers, but also ancient masters that were screwed by a loudness-war focused remastering that I can only escape if I go back to my collection and spin the original one.
Yeah, I have a lot of CDs that are not available via streaming services, so we don't have all the same requirements. And it's not only those CDs produced in few numbers, but also ancient masters that were screwed by a loudness-war focused remastering that I can only escape if I go back to my collection and spin the original one.

I hear you and get it.

How about zapping all your CDs into a SSD or NAS unit and then you can have the best of both worlds? Or do you think there’s a SQ difference between lossless formats like FLAC vs actual CDs?

I can’t tell the difference on my end.
It could have been a difference in the output level (voluntary or not by Marantz). The converter in use here can vary from 1.8Vrms to 2.2Vrms, and that's 1.7dB, something that would make a significant difference when directly comparing without adjusting levels. And that would be with the exact same player.

Now, Marantz could have played with their HDAM output buffer I/V Filter (whatever is does) to adjust the level to what they desire, especially with MKII and KI versions. Reason why it would be interesting to test ;)
wow I like a lot your tests and reviews
may i know what cd do you use for your test ?
I guess there are tenichs , denon and marants test cds
I know these units have acd mechanics unit issues after a while they can't read the cds anymore , i remember the kis with the same issue ,can you confirm?
thanks NTTY
Hi @Mantra, yes the test CD and how to use is described here.

I would need to write a post about the various tests it allows, though. That was my plan to do in the next two weeks but it seems the family will keep me busy on so many other important matters :)

Most of these old mechs are extremely reliable. When they have difficulties to read a CD, or become slow at skipping one or multiple tracks, some caps might need replacement. And adjusting laser focus etc… as per the service manual makes them good to go for several more decades.
Hi @Mantra, yes the test CD and how to use is described here.

I would need to write a post about the various tests it allows, though. That was my plan to do in the next two weeks but it seems the family will keep me busy on so many other important matters :)

Most of these old mechs are extremely reliable. When they have difficulties to read a CD, or become slow at skipping one or multiple tracks, some caps might need replacement. And adjusting laser focus etc… as per the service manual makes them good to go for several more decades.
i was thinking about the test cd a top notch audio recording , released by marantz , denon or techincs
for a blind test
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