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Looking for a portable field recorder and audio interface that measures well.


Sep 12, 2019
I got quite enthusiastic at realizing there is a category of device that has:
- at least 2 mic/instrument combo inputs (hi-z not required)
- micro SD local recording
- battery power
- usb-c power, data transfer, and usb audio interface (class compliant, Linux my main OS)
- built-in mics that aren't atrocious and can capture nice environmental samples
- basic mixing: input-usb-audio mix, gain, etc
- friendly for DSLR
- under $500

Why search for this unicorn? I'd like to have a portable device to capture voice notes, interviews/podcasts, environment, samples, record synths and other noisemakers I have, and use it as my portable audio interface when traveling.

Devices I've found in this category:
- Zoom H6essential (F3 as well as I could give up built in mics)
- Tascam Portacapture x8
- Centrance mixerface 3rd gen

Based on the F6 and Centrance reviews (although older gen, other Centrance reviews don't inspire confidence), I'm discouraged. The Tascam DR-100 MKIII review gave some hope but no use as a usb interface and usb-c power is ideal for me. The Cosmos ADC is very encouraging tech wise but limited in features for my use case and don't think I'd consider combining with a portable preamp.

I have a H6essential on order, might get a x8 as well to test. Anything I'm missing? Sony pro line possibly but pushing the budget. Happy to send anything to someone for measurements as well. Overall, every time I go down this research hole, knowing the caliber of product per dollar we've seen come to market over last 5 years on DAC and amp side and I have a sense that current market is ripe for a disruptor.
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Title a little click bait'y I realize, rather I should title it, "Looking for a portable field recorder and audio interface that measures well". Received the H6e today and getting the x8 in tomorrow. Reached out to @amirm for option to send either/both in, but if others have advice or stuff they want me to test locally over next few days I'm happy to. I have a Scarlett interface, run Linux, and haven't measured anything before so on the noob side of contributing data. However, happy to learn and/or provide other info on the devices while I have in hand.
I proactively anticipate an aversion for the large touch screen on the x8 and ton of feature complication relative to my expected use. So I also ordered the Centrance Mixerface 3rd gen which I'm also willing to add to measurement pool. The previous gen review doesn't give me hope, and price is really pushing it, but wondering if maybe the simple interface, build quality, and audio for my non-professional use might win out.
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zoom F series is much quieter than the H. what kind of input? do you need mic power?
Will mostly use dynamic mics when using the recorder as an interface for my mobile work setup, however I'm more enticed by some field recording now that I've been researching it. So yes to mic power, ideally per input.

Because I'm using a dynamic mic for work (sE v7), it does test the preamps, which I'd like to have enough headroom and quiet for good audio without software processing. On a related note, the Tascam x8 has a noise gate which in testing with my sE v7 is convenient.

Regarding inputs, combo xlr and 1/4" ideal because of mic use or for my instruments/mixer. Can use adapters but I like the combos, which is why I'm testing the x8 instead of x6 from Tascam. F3 small enough where 1/4" probably not physically possible, so adapters would be fine given portability benefit.

F6's ADC measurements have deterred me from thinking about the F3. I realize v1.70 came out in 2021 though and hopefully the F3 doesn't have the same issue. Just wish we had measurements on it, and wish I saw more than two firmware updates since the device came out. I did order the F3 as well, so will be evaluating that once it arrives. Whichever unit I stick with from a usability standpoint and subjective audio assessment (mic preamps and recorded audio), I'll send to @amirm to help others out.
F3 tests much better. i just ran tests on it will upload soon

we did report that distortion to zoom and the ironed it out in firmware, so F6 is a lot better than that old test. i cant remember the exact conditions of this test but im pretty sure they were low level signals and high gain on the recorders. while the all-in-ones didnt do as well as the Lunatec V3 on paper, those are all very respectable results vs a dedicated component preamp.

if i recall the A/B tests were with the topping D90's volume control turned down, vs at full volume and ran thru a 50 dB passive attenuator, results ended up similar


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I'm very curious how the new Zoom H6essential behaves with their dual ADC converters without gain setting. It would be great to see @amirm his measurement report.
Have had the F3, x8, H6e, and Mixerface R4D (3rd gen) on my desk for two weeks now. Life hasn't provided much opportunity to go super deep, but here are my notes from light'ish use. Reminder, my primary use cases in order: recorder for stereo mixer out (various instruments), portable audio interface for laptop and work calls (using dynamic mic), field recording (although I'm sensing this use case will move up).

DeviceUser InterfaceFeaturesSubjective
Zoom F3Favorite UI of the bunch. Simple and got around needed settings quickly. Could control well in low light due to fewer buttons and primary buttons having on-screen action labels.No combo XLR/6.35mm jacks is annoying, but will keep 1/8"-to-split-XLR and 1/4"-to-XLR cables around for music recording use. Really wish it had just one more input, whether 1/8" line in or mic. Wish I could charge batteries with USB-C cable. Bluetooth dongle and app feels archaic.Love the portability and mounting options with screen and bars (voile strap on tripod leg worked great). The pseudo gain "zoom" concept for audio levels was weird at first but became a timesaver with reduced cognitive load. Felt all needed recording and input options were easy to adjust as needed for all my use cases. No input/usb mix control I thought would be more of a deal breaker, but didn't seemed to matter much when used as an interface. Might email them to get the feature request in. Overall my favorite recorder, did everything I needed in straightforward fashion and well priced. Though don't like how infrequent firmware updates have been.
Zoom H6essentialLeast favorite, combination of side scroll, enter button, and small screen really didn't work well for me. Other buttons not that intuitive for the space they take up.Nice to have the extra inputs, annoying that updated mic modules still not out and a proprietary connection. Bluetooth dongle and app feels archaic.Don't like that stereo input link results in paired cables on left and right of device which kind of is. Not wanting the mic capsule to be sticking out all the time reduces the quick record versatility. Don't like how infrequent firmware updates have been. Last place for me.
Portacapture x8Touchscreens are indeed nice for lots of options, but can't help but feel overcomplicated for my use cases. Also don't like the difference in UX versus flagship phones these days (responsiveness, resolution). Felt a touch gimmicky with all the modes and just wanted manual mode.Great input options and like that the front mics aren't a proprietary connection. Input settings were nice, noise gate handy for my audio interface use. Mixer helpful but betting input/usb mix was more touches than I would have liked. In general the touch UI kind of made it annoying to work with all the features/options though, would probably get a handle on it over time and come to appreciate the graphical display. Still getting a feeling of too much unnecessary stuff for my main use cases, which magnifies the larger heavier size and idea of screen eating up battery. Bluetooth dongle and app feels archaic.Not wanting the mic capsule to be sticking out all the time reduces the quick record versatility. Annoying that it required to format SD card, whereas other devices would accept as is. Don't like how infrequent firmware updates have been. Unlike the Zoom F3 which changes the normal setting level procedure overtly, portacapture has more of a hybrid, but I almost found it a weird middle ground (e.g. low and high gain toggle with granular gain control even on 32bit felt odd to me after using the F3). All things said, given inputs and price, my second choice.
Centrance Mixerface R4D (3rd gen)Second favorite UI, as I really like the tactile controls, but made it hard to match input gains when recording stereo, the recessed toggles are super annoying (phantom on/off the one most impactful for my use cases), they're hard to control in low lighting, and forces a reduction in features compared to software based UI. The input/usb is great though. Love the USB-C pass through as well.Annoying that both inputs are coupled to single phantom power toggle. Wish it had more visual aid on input signal. Don't like non-locking connections. Really annoying the file is only recorded in stereo with no option otherwise. I wish it had a bluetooth option, even if archaic like the others.Love the feel and weight, better portability than all but the F3. Just didn't feel good enough to cover up the lack of a fit for my use cases. Price doesn't help either. Came in third for me overall. Asked customer support about firmware updates and they said not a thing they do which don't like at all. There are always bugs!
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Also attempted to follow Julian Krause's "How To Compare Preamplifier Noise (150 Ohm method)" while I had the devices. Note, this is the first time I've tried anything measurement wise, and had not used a DAW much before. Running Linux as well, so JK's workflow wasn't 1:1 for me.

Ended up using Reaper with my sE Electronics Dynacaster in front of a desk monitor playing 1kHz sine wave. Gain (or "zoom") maxed on all device inputs, and took low and high gain toggle measurements for the x8. Within Reaper I used Reapack to install SWS for what I was hoping would be "Loudness" analysis that would include RMS Amplitude Average like JK's video. Wasn't the case, so ended up setting main meter to LUFS-M with LUFS-I readout after reading this informative post. Although I don't know if truly better than RMS, I felt confident enough that I could normalize using it's reading after 5s on each trimmed file. I believe I was successful in this process, and came up with the following data.

First table sorted by sine wave loudness (LUFS based):
DeviceSine Wave Loudness (LUFS-I)Resistor Noise (LUFS-I)
Zoom F3-11.7-67.3
Portacapture x8 (high gain)-13.8-67.3
Centrance Mixerface R4D (3rd gen)-19.1Not measurable
Portacapture x8 (low gain)-35.7Not measurable
Zoom H6essential-53.2Not measurable

Next table is sorted by final normalized and A-weighted noise (used Reaper's built-in ReaFir FX filter with profile based off of this table). F3 the winner and all others based off of it:
Device (gain)Sine Wave Loudness (LUFS-I)Resistor Noise (LUFS-I)A-WeightedF3 Noise Delta (dB)
Zoom F3 (+0)-11.7-67.3-68.60
Centrance Mixerface R4D (3rd gen) (+7.4)-11.7-66.4-68.50.1
Portacapture x8 (high gain) (+2.1)-11.7-65.3-67.51.1
Zoom H6essential (+41.5)-11.7-60.0-62.18.6
Portacapture x8 (low gain) (+24)-11.7-50.1-52.416.2

High chance I haven't run the purest experiment here, given lack of experience. The difference in low vs high gain toggle x8 noise is suspiscious to me. But was pleasantly happy with the rest of data, and the light research I did gives me some confidence. This test also just meaningful for my "portable audio interface for laptop and work calls (using dynamic mic)" use case. Basically testing the mic preamps. Using my sE Electronics v7 with the F3 operating as an interface does render a low noise signal that will be absolutely overkill for work meetings (muaha).

Would be very interested in how the ADC itself measures given the way the F6 measured >=v1.70 firmware and this model coming out after that.
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I mentioned this about field recording, "although I'm sensing this use case will move up". It is quite fun, and the portability of F3 with some Earsight Thumb Microphones I got make it a slick stereo field recorder (or mono with one mic). Given the price of F3, I felt this combo a fantastic starter kit with flexibility to add some cables and stereo bar if I wanted to have better imaging. Total price still makes it within reason to get an integrated H1essential or other slim unit for toss around and don't care if I lose/damage/keep-in-truck situations. Already having fun adding recording of my young kids laughing to some music I'm making and will continue to capture nature for ambient music as opportunities present themselves.
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