R11 is magic, it takes so much less space for that amount of sound quality. I would go to the extreme to say that they are the best floorstanders ever made. They are so perfect
You speak so confidently that I want to buy this speaker
For home theater use, which one you prefer? R11 meta or Ascendo the 10? For the obious advantage of coaxilas, I am tryin to choose between this 2.
My listening position is 3,5 meters away and I generally listen at -10db.
I am aware that for pure SPL, Ascendo is the winner, but who needs such unlistenable high sound levels. At least not me
As I see, R11 has very little distortion at even 96 db (1 meter), but at my listening position (3,5mt) its a little louder than 84 db. Considering we need 20db headroom for movies, for average -75db (not -85db, bcoz I generally listen at -10db) (20db headroom = 95bd max), there should be no distortion at 95db at 3,5 meters in my case.
How well R11 meta can handle distortion issue at 95db at 3,5 meters, comparing to Ascendo the 10s?
I know that R11 has better frequency response, but after EQ, it looses its advantage since they have similar directivity indexes (have they?)
What else should I take into account when comparing the two?
I can setup a HT consist of 3 Kef R11 Metas and 8 R3 Metas or 11ch Ascendo the 10.
All opinions are much apreciated...