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Is this a normal measurement? It doesn't have those dropping lines towards the high frequency.


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Sep 6, 2019
Yerevan "Sydney Born"
I have designed a centre speaker with hypex plate amp and with the forums help I used REW's eq to ascertain the biquads and manually enter them into the hypex filter software. and upload.

I have measured several times and not confident if the measurements have been representative of the speaker.

Initially, I used ASIO in REW with the focusrite meaning that I have to use the output of the focusrite solo into the back of the AVR to output the sweep signal with dolby movie checked to sweep through the centre speaker.

This time I used a 256 sweep file dropped into the REW sweep file section again with Asio but in this case i didnt need to sweep out of the AVR. I then played the sweep through Jriver it synced and sweeped. But I changed the centre XLR to the right side on the AVR and just sweeped through stereo.

I have no idea if one method is better than the other, any advice would be apprecaited. However, for now I am just curious if this measurement looks normal because it doesn't have the typical dropping lines towards the high frequency section which is standard in normal looking sweeps.

you would expect something like that in the Near-field

Yes, I took it about 1 meter away. Okay, I had no idea, thanks for that. So, it looks normal that's great.
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