Here's my issue - it's possible to create engineering metrics that correlate to sound quality. Unfortunately, they are scarce, are derived from perceptual science, and ASR and the larger audio community is not equipped to measure them, create them or discuss them.I think of ASR as an engineering forum not a hobby or music forum. I know it’s not really very technically rigorous (usually) once we plebeian members chime in and dilute the good scientific work Amir has done. SINAD is a number only an engineer should really love. But I do appreciate good engineering. And it is a measure of at least that.
SINAD is a measuring of excessive, unnecessary engineering excellence. It's like saying a Ferrari is the best car because they machine their washers the flattest. The uselessness of the metric is illustrated by the fact that the products with the highest SINAD also have worst feature set, while AVR products, which include everything from radios to phono preamps and extensive, sophisticated equalization, are ranked poorly.