There is an interesting discussion over at Hoffman re: CD players vs Streamers, regarding sound quality. Obviously, some voices of reason have chimed in, facing the usual blowback. At some point the following post was made:
Not wishing to enter into the 'debate' here, but this is my personal experience FWIW: I've done a lot of testing by myself & with friends on...
I found it so telling. The mockery of at beginning of the post shows have people have internalized the various arguments re: the improbable claims. It goes on to cite the such authorities as Darko. If you follow the link to the Darko article ( click or copy it from Hoffman, as Darko has banned redirections from ASR ) you will see that comments are disallowed.
And so it goes. There is no way to challenge directly or at least take the discussion to their sites. So these "experts" keep confirming the stated biases for those that share them, and quite frankly, I don't see anything changing. Darko, Paul McGowan, just by the virtue of the number of videos they post are continuously referred to a such and cited as proof of improbable claims.
It is disheartening. Quite frankly I don't see anything else to do but to keep this site going, so those that seek a different approach can find it and refer to it. And try educate those around us that are willing to listen.
I have taken the position of calling our approach, not scientific, given the common argument that what is done around here "is not science". Not that I believe that, but maybe trying a different tack will shake people a bit. I don't call it "scientific".... I call it "

Not only to avoid the previous argument, but also to contrast with the subjective, nay imaginary nature of the audiophile argument...
All IMHO, of course