Ordered the FreeDSP cable… We shall see!
In the meantime, I found some time to look in more details at the following USB-C IEMs and cable…
Tanchjim Zero, One, and Tanya IEMs
@staticV3 indicated, the Tanchjim Zero, One, and Tanya are recognized by the Android version of the Tanchjim App (v2.1.2). The app offers some preset EQ, plus a customizable 5-band PEQ: gain and q-factor can be adjusted graphically, frequency values can be entered manually. Pretty slick!
View attachment 313897
The app identifies the IEM name correctly and each one has its own default EQ setting.
Windows 10 appear to detect these as UAC-1 audio devices: they are limited to 24/96. Also. (typical of W10?), the "Sound Settings" does not refresh the name correctly--in my case, they all show up as “TANCHJIM-ZERO DSP”, because it’s the first I installed, but they all work fine! Looking in the USB descriptors, the vendor is listed as KTMicro, probably a KT02xx chip (
On my iPhone, the Tanchjim’s work with a ddHifi TC28i adapter, but the Tanchjim iOS app does not detect them--not really surprised... It may work with an another cable/adapter but I doubt it!
Fiio LS-TC1 cable (reported as DSP-enabled)
W10 also saw the Fiio LS-TC1 cable as if it was one of the Tanchjim’s--again, I installed the Tanchjim Zero first. The same KTMicro vendor is listed in the USB descriptor, so I suspect it uses the same or a similar chip as the Tanchjim's. Interestingly, the Android Tanchjim app “sees” the LS-TC1, but can’t configure it (or does not allow it...). Fiio has said in Head-Fi that the LS-TC1 has no app support. Measuring the FR would be interesting to see whether there is some preset EQ or it is just flat.
LS-TC1 works fine on Android, W10, and iOS (TC28i adapter).
Moondrop Quarks, The Droplet IEMs
They both work with Android, W10 and iPhone (TC28i adapter) but are not detected (nor listed!) by the Android Moondrop Link (v1.3.12) or Link 2.0 apps, nor the iOS Moondrop Link app. So if they are factory-programmed with a preset EQ, it does not appear to be configurable, unless the FW can be upgraded.
W10 only lists 16/48 as the sole option.
Moondrop JIU
Works with Android, W10 and iPhone (TC28i adapter). Both Moondrop Link (v1.3.12, see
@Jimbob54 screenshot above) and Link 2.0 Android apps. "see" it. The apps offer a configurable 5-band PEQ. Link 2.0 screenshots:
View attachment 313901
The Link 2.0 interface is nicer than Link v1.3.12, and already lists the FreeDSP cable plus some unknown (?) USB models:
View attachment 313903
Is "CDSP" a FreeDSP-like dongle? That would be great...!!!
Is "MAY" a new CHU-2-based JIU-like USB-C/DSP IEM?
W10 offers up to 24/96 options, and the USB descriptor also shows KTMicro as the vendor--again, same or similar chip as the Tanchjim’s and Fiio LS-TC1...
I have not found any datasheets for these KT02xx chips.