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Hypex NC252MP Balanced Volume control, am I doing this right?

Better use better than 1% resistors, preferably .1%
Better use better than 1% resistors, preferably .1%
I apologise for having edited above post many times, while being yet unfamiliar with forum mechanics - like edits needing manual moderator approval. So it seems like you replied to a version that was outdated by minutes. :eek:

Using 0.1% resistors instead of 1% is indeed the superior option, while adding virtually nothing to the end price. Using 1%, I calculated a maximum worst case deviation of 0.1-0.2dB. Good and probably inaudible for most people, but not technically perfect. 0.1% resistors push it into "easily negligible" territory for any practical use scenario.
Hi, one can and should match resistors in such application, buy some extra resistors and make pairs so that L and R have exact same values.
Hi, one can and should match resistors in such application, buy some extra resistors and make pairs so that L and R have exact same values.

Hi, one can and should match resistors in such application, buy some extra resistors and make pairs so that L and R have exact same values.
That's really not neccessary. Resistors in all the gear you use aren't hand selected. When precision is needed, you simply use 0.1%, and done. The result is already better than a good potentiometer by one or two orders of magnitude.

Besides, selecting resistors to 0.02% or something would require an expensive multimeter, which I don't have.
Apologies for the radio silence from my side, due to some personal issues I didn't have time to focus on my hobbys.

@Ropeburn thanks a lot for the detailed description and the circuit. To be honest, i'm by far not experienced enough to come up and draw a circuit like this. But this does give me enough information to look everthing up and build the switch, so i will definitely give it a shot.

I had actualy gave up on the idea of a balenced volume control after all the feedback and was thinking to go back to RCA to prevent the balenced distortion. Also becauce Hypex has the description how to implement everything that way.

I assume all options has their small drawbacks in this case. But i do have multiple options to explore now, so thank you all for your input, its greatly appriciated!
Not sure I gathered the detailed objectives here but, wouldn't that cheap passive & balanced volume control be a simple solution ? :
Behringer MONITOR1
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