One of the unsung/non-sexy part of every piece of electronics we have is the PC Board (PCB). This is the structural component that holds all the electronic devices and has copper traces that interconnect them. Depending on the circuit, the PCB itself can become a component changing how the circuit operates.
PCBs come in various configurations from single layer, to double sided and multiple layers. In addition to the copper interconnects, there is a "solder mask" that puts a special ink on top of most of the traces so that when you solder the components, they don't short out to each other. Another layer is the "silk screen" which has among other things, part labels, dates, product and PCB revision, etc.
PCB is designed on a computer and the files are then handed to the PCB manufacturing shop to create. Turns out building even the simple configuration is rather complex. Here is a great video that shows all the steps necessary to build a four layer PCB. I think it comes as a surprise to even design engineers how complicated and manual the process can be.
It is just 30 minutes and worthwhile to watch.
PCBs come in various configurations from single layer, to double sided and multiple layers. In addition to the copper interconnects, there is a "solder mask" that puts a special ink on top of most of the traces so that when you solder the components, they don't short out to each other. Another layer is the "silk screen" which has among other things, part labels, dates, product and PCB revision, etc.
PCB is designed on a computer and the files are then handed to the PCB manufacturing shop to create. Turns out building even the simple configuration is rather complex. Here is a great video that shows all the steps necessary to build a four layer PCB. I think it comes as a surprise to even design engineers how complicated and manual the process can be.
It is just 30 minutes and worthwhile to watch.