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Help: Topping PA5 II vs PA7

How about their DAC products? Any bad reports, sir? I would like to try E70 Velvet.
From Topping, I have 2x D50s, 1x D70 and 2x DX1, also 2x A50s and 1x A50 headphone amps. Everything still works. And some of these devices are already several years old.
Hi folks at ASR,
I am looking for a class D power amplifier to drive a new pair of Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1-V2 (8ohms). Room: 14ft x 20ft, distance: 6 to 10ft. I had my eyes on Topping PA5 II and PA7.
  • Measured performance: From what I gathered on the reviews (I am newbie at reading the measurements), PA5 II has less distortion than PA7, especially at frequency >5kHz. Is it correct? Will the difference be audible? Does Topping PA5 II enough power to drive the speakers?
  • Reliability issue: there are reports of serious issues with PA5 (gen 1), and some heating issues with PA7. But I have seen many recent posts on their reliability in the last month. Is it safe to assume they are reliable? Or more time is needed?
I happen to be using both PA5+ II and PA7+. And using the Sierra 1 V2s with the PA5+ right now. From my experience, no reliability issues with both the PA5+ (3 months use) and PA7+ (7 months use).

They're both very good amps. Sounds very clean and neutral to me. Simple fuss free devices that do their job very well. Plug, play and get out of the way.

The only difference for me is the power output. PA5+ works well with the Sierra 1 V2s in a bedroom set-up where I don't normally need very high volumes. They do play loud enough for my ears to hurt on the rare occasion when I do turn it up. PA7+ is a bit more powerful and if you can spare the cash I think a better buy just for more power headroom if you need it or have a bigger space.

My only wish is that Topping will include sub out and sub management in the future versions.
Могу поспорить, что эта эксклюзивная версия Topping pa 5ii plus уничтожит все усилители! :)
Это верно. Первое, что пришло мне в голову, это как избавиться от этой неудобной маленькой ручки для регулировки крышки. Во-вторых, мне было интересно, наконец, родной блок питания "особенный'? А так, как я давно люблю все мерить, то вперед: какая черта у такого великолепного бриллианта дурного оправа... Главный принцип при такой переделки достоинства - "не навреди". Все параметры измерялись до и после. У них все параметры отличные!

Translated by Moderator: Please use English going forward.

“It's right. The first thing that came to my mind was how to get rid of this inconvenient little knob for adjusting the lid. Secondly, I was wondering, finally, whether the original power supply is “special”? And since I have long loved to measure everything, then go ahead: what feature does such a magnificent diamond have in a bad setting... The main principle for such an alteration of dignity is “not do harm." All parameters were measured before and after. All parameters are excellent!”
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Это верно. Первое, что пришло мне в голову, это как избавиться от этой неудобной маленькой ручки для регулировки крышки. Во-вторых, мне было интересно, наконец, родной блок питания "особенный'? А так, как я давно люблю все мерить, то вперед: какая черта у такого великолепного бриллианта дурного оправа... Главный принцип при такой переделки достоинства - "не навреди". Все параметры измерялись до и после. У них все параметры отличные!
Nice work!
So which exactly PSU did you use?
How many Volts / Amperes?
U-36V, I-9.7A


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