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HD600 EQ


New Member
Dec 20, 2023

Recently purchased a new pair of Senn HD600, unfortunately I found them excessively bright and attacky, especially around the snare drums and hi-hats. Having spent ages going through numerous suggestions on EQ etc, i found an EQ that worked very well for the pair I had and wanted to save anyone else that may be having the same issue with them (assuming your set are anything like mine).

Oratory1990's new HD600 EQ works really well in Equalizer APO as a baseline, and tested a few other settings that i found elsewhere and collated them here with a HS that works for me, but there was still the snare and hi hat attack issue, which i added a few bits to for the 'treble fix':

Preamp: -9.3 dB
Filter: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain 4 dB Q 1.1
Filter: ON PK Fc 97 Hz Gain -2.5 dB Q 0.7
# Bass preference - default 5.5db
Filter: ON LSC Fc 105 Hz Gain 5.5 dB Q 0.71
# Warm preference - default -1.7db
Filter: ON PK Fc 215 Hz Gain -1.7 dB Q 1.1
# Midrange perference - default -2.1db
Filter: ON PK Fc 1400 Hz Gain -2.1 dB Q 1.5
# Treble preference - default 3.0db
Filter: ON HSC Fc 2000 Hz Gain 2 dB Q 0.71
Filter: ON PK Fc 2700 Hz Gain -1.3 dB Q 3
Filter: ON PK Fc 3370 Hz Gain -3.9 dB Q 2.5
Filter: ON PK Fc 5350 Hz Gain -3.5 dB Q 3
# Air preference - default -4.0db
Filter: ON PK Fc 38.02 Hz Gain -4 dB Q 0.71
# My treble fix
Filter: ON PK Fc 12400 Hz Gain 1 dB Q 3.9
Filter: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain -3.9 dB Q 3
Filter: ON HS 12 dB Fc 13765.1 Hz Gain -3.9 dB

Hope this helps somebody else too!
Apologies - first post and embarrisingly pasted the wrong config!

Preamp: -7.3 dB
Filter: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain 4 dB Q 1.1
Filter: ON PK Fc 97 Hz Gain -2.5 dB Q 0.7
# Bass preference - default 5.5db
Filter: ON LSC Fc 105 Hz Gain 3.5 dB Q 0.71
# Warm preference - default -1.7db
Filter: ON PK Fc 215 Hz Gain -1.7 dB Q 1.1
# Midrange perference - default -2.1db
Filter: ON PK Fc 1400 Hz Gain -2.1 dB Q 1.5
# Treble preference - default 3.0db
Filter: ON HSC Fc 2000 Hz Gain 2 dB Q 0.71
Filter: ON PK Fc 2700 Hz Gain -1.3 dB Q 3
Filter: ON PK Fc 3370 Hz Gain -3.9 dB Q 2.5
Filter: ON PK Fc 5350 Hz Gain -3.5 dB Q 3
# Air preference - default -4.0db
Filter: ON PK Fc 11000 Hz Gain -4 dB Q 0.71
# My treble fix
Filter: ON PK Fc 12400 Hz Gain 1 dB Q 3.9
Filter: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain -3.9 dB Q 3
Filter: ON HS 12 dB Fc 13765.1 Hz Gain -3.9 dB
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Update to this - i took some measurements with a SoundID ref mic and REW - gives a rough ball park i think of the problem i've been hearing:

The two peaks there at about 6.8k and 8.5k i find are giving snare drums a far too piercing crack. If you want a good example track of what im talking about, listen to Frank Klepacki and the Tiberian Sons rendition of "Just do it up - remastered". Especially when the snare drum does a rim shot, it is almost unbearable to listen to with standard HD600.


Would be interested to know if anyone else has this boost from 6-8kish on the HD600?

Added a shelf to reduce some of the highest treble as i find it a bit earbleedy on some tracks above 13.5khz and took a small bit off the 14.7khz specifically to take off some of the high hat brightness too treble sounds a lot less peaky and more smooth.

Overall, happier with the results - definitely better with some rough measurements than rough estimations.

Preamp: -7.3 dB
Filter: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain 4 dB Q 1.1
Filter: ON PK Fc 97 Hz Gain -2.5 dB Q 0.7
# Bass preference - default 5.5db
Filter: ON LSC Fc 105 Hz Gain 3.5 dB Q 0.71
# Warm preference - default -1.7db
Filter: ON PK Fc 215 Hz Gain -1.7 dB Q 1.1
# Midrange perference - default -2.1db
Filter: ON PK Fc 1400 Hz Gain -2.1 dB Q 1.5
# Treble preference - default 3.0db
Filter: ON HSC Fc 2000 Hz Gain 2 dB Q 0.71
Filter: ON PK Fc 2700 Hz Gain -1.3 dB Q 3
Filter: ON PK Fc 3370 Hz Gain -3.9 dB Q 2.5
Filter: ON PK Fc 5350 Hz Gain -3.5 dB Q 3
# Air preference - default -4.0db
Filter: ON PK Fc 11000 Hz Gain -4 dB Q 0.71
# My treble fix
Filter: ON PK Fc 6891 Hz Gain -2.9 dB Q 5
Filter: ON PK Fc 8482 Hz Gain -2.8 dB Q 5
Filter: ON PK Fc 9350 Hz Gain -1.5 dB Q 5
Filter: ON HS 12 dB Fc 13765.1 Hz Gain -4 dB
Filter: ON PK Fc 14700 Hz Gain -1 dB Q 6
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