I had a (older) friend with hearing loss. Her TV was a little too loud for me, and sometimes so loud that I was more comfortable wearing ear plugs. But she could hear me speaking as long as I was in the same room and it was only a minor problem. A few years earlier she had been to the audiologist and she was "borderline". I didn't "push her" one way or the other because she had other medical issues and it would be one more daily thing to deal with.
But later, she was attending a bible study and having trouble hearing and she wasn't really opposed to getting hearing aids. Still, I wasn't sure if she would use them or they might be too inconvenient and she wouldn't use them. We didn't have a "serious discussion" about it, but I thought she might spend a few thousand dollars and then not use them. But, by this time she had a caregiver coming-in daily so there would be someone to help her. So, as an trial-experiment I bought her a cheap over-the-counter pair from Amazon (about $100 USD). If she liked using them, we could get something better. They actually worked-out very well and she was happy with them! But, she passed-away before we got beyond the "experiment".