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Essential AES reading for high fidelity home reproduction


Addicted to Fun and Learning
Apr 28, 2016
I'm looking to compile a list of what people consider essential AES reading for high fidelity stereo reproduction in the home. The first I plan to start reading is the Welti subwoofer articles (thanks @dallasjustice ), but doing a search there are seven articles just on the first page of my search (with 129 total results).

This is why I'm emphasizing essential reading since my time is limited. Thanks all!

Edit: the Welti sub article that Nyal Mellor linked in one of his blog posts is this one. Nyal's site is a great resource for information. I'll continue to add links as I go through it.
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I will list papers later but the most essential read is not a paper but a book: https://www.amazon.com/Sound-Reproduction-Psychoacoustics-Loudspeakers-Engineering/dp/0240520092

Sound Reproduction: The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms (Audio Engineering Society Presents)
By Dr. Floyd Toole

A New Reference Listening Room For Consumer, Professional and Automotive Audio Research
Sean E. Olive
1 Harman International
Northridge, CA, 91329, USA
The Subjective and Objective Evaluation of Room Correction Products
Sean E. Olive, John Jackson2, Allan Devantier, David Hunt4 and Sean M. Hess
Harman International, Northridge, CA, 91329, USA
Comparison of Loudspeaker-Room Equalization Preference for Multichannel, Stereo, and Mono Reproductions: Are Listeners More Discriminating in Mono?
Sean E. Olive, Sean M. Hess, and Allan Devantier
1 Harman International, Northridge, CA, 91329, USA
In-Room Low Frequency Optimization
Todd S. Welti and Allan Devantier
1 Research Acoustician, Harman International Industries, Northridge, CA
2 Manager of Objective Evaluation, Harman International Industries, Northridge, CA
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