The Modification of Timbre by Resonances: Perception and Measurement*
I'm looking to compile a list of what people consider essential AES reading for high fidelity stereo reproduction in the home. The first I plan to start reading is the Welti subwoofer articles (thanks @dallasjustice ), but doing a search there are seven articles just on the first page of my search (with 129 total results).
This is why I'm emphasizing essential reading since my time is limited. Thanks all!
Edit: the Welti sub article that Nyal Mellor linked in one of his blog posts is this one. Nyal's site is a great resource for information. I'll continue to add links as I go through it.
Those settings do cancel modes Michael. For example by using two opposing subs, you cancel the mid-point null. Here is a good diagram from Dr. Toole's book:. The so called Welti four sub midwall setup is optimal if one seeks a very wide and even sweet spot. It can be best described as a mode redistribution method. IOW, the modes still exist but they are spread out and thereby greatly diminished and much less audible. This method is NOT a mode cancellation method. This method is more ideal for home theater setups where there will more than one or two listening positions.
This is the most important AES paper regarding subwooferolgy.
Fazenda et al.
And free here
What's that you are saying? Too many? It is just 5% of all the papers I have in my library .
Hence the reason I suggested reading Dr. Toole's book. It can be a challenging read but it encapsulates many of these papers.
Over time I will be doing digests on all of these papers.
4. The best subjective single listener, stereo subwoofer setup referenced in the Fazenda research, is a two subwoofer setup. It is referred to as a source/sink array and is described in detail in the paper. There's also a reference to earlier tests on source/sink. This IS a mode cancellation technique. I prefer to think of it as a length mode active absorption method because that's what it actually does. This method doesn't have as wide a sweet spot as #3 above. But, IMO, it's the "best" method I've encountered at removing length modes and filling in rearwall Allison effect. This is the method I use after having tried many other methods including #3 above. I rarely use my system for home theater and rarely have more than a couple of listeners. Most of the time I listen solo to stereo playback.
I hope this info helps.
Those settings do cancel modes Michael. For example by using two opposing subs, you cancel the mid-point null. Here is a good diagram from Dr. Toole's book:
[See Amir's post for diagram]
Those settings do cancel modes Michael. For example by using two opposing subs, you cancel the mid-point null. Here is a good diagram from Dr. Toole's book:
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Nice OP, hope it becomes a sticky