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DC power vs AC power


Sep 25, 2024
My hypothesis (I don't know if you know better or if it has already been proven) is the sound quality better with DC power than with AC power? Because DC does not need ground as much as AC. I want to run the system with only DC power.

I want to run my system completely DC power is it wrong?

Edit: This post is about bass guitar setup (guitar, EQ pedal, amp , audio interface and laptop)!
sensitive background noise
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Well, that's... novel.
Well duh - just look at any AC signal. It's overground half the time. Really, this is just basic science and I thought you were better than that!
Well duh - just look at any AC signal. It's overground half the time. Really, this is just basic science and I thought you were better than that!
Well unless it is a differential signal. Think about it.
My hypothesis (I don't know if you know better or if it has already been proven) is the sound quality better with DC power than with AC power? Because DC does not need ground as much as AC. I want to run the system with only DC power.

I want to run my system completely DC power is it wrong?
Car stereos run on DC.
Please name one piece of kit that runs on AC.
Well duh - just look at any AC signal. It's overground half the time. Really, this is just basic science and I thought you were better than that!
I mean, there will be a system and it will only work with battery, there will be no AC connection
No really, car stereo at home with a battery.

There are home components sold that operate on battery. Phono preamplifiers are sometimes battery-operated devices, often allegations of superior sound, darker backdrop, better dynamics, enhanced imaging, etc. are claimed. I have an battery operated MC step-up preamp, and a home-built RIAA preamp that can run on batteries, neither outperforms AC-powered gear in any way.

And car stereo amplifiers do not outperform home amplifiers in any way.

Also, batteries are heavy, and represent extreme fire danger if the system isn't designed properly. AC is also dangerous, but most modern societies have learned the hard way and have codes and regulations to prevent people from killing themselves, and taking others down along the way.

What problem are you actually trying to fix?
Hayır, evde akülü araba teybi.

Pille çalışan ev bileşenleri satılıyor. Phono ön amfileri bazen pille çalışan cihazlardır, genellikle üstün ses, daha karanlık arka plan, daha iyi dinamikler, geliştirilmiş görüntüleme vb. iddiaları öne sürülür. Pille çalışan bir MC step-up ön amfim ve pille çalışabilen ev yapımı bir RIAA ön amfim var, özellikleri AC gücüyle çalışan donanımları hiçbir şekilde geride kalmıyor.

Ve araba stereo amfileri hiçbir şekilde ev amfilerinden daha iyi performans göstermiyor.

Ayrıca piller ağırdır ve sistem düzgün tasarlanmazsa aşırı olası tehlike oluşur. AC de tehlikelidir, ancak çoğu modern toplumda bu zor öğrenilmiş ve insanların öldürüldüğü ve bu arada başkalarını da düşürmesini önlemek için kodlar ve düzenleri devam etmektedir.

Aslında hangi sorunu çözmeye çalışıyorsunuz?

Hayır, evde akülü araba teybi.

Pille çalışan ev bileşenleri satılıyor. Phono ön amfileri bazen pille çalışan cihazlardır, genellikle üstün ses, daha karanlık arka plan, daha iyi dinamikler, geliştirilmiş görüntüleme vb. iddiaları öne sürülür. Pille çalışan bir MC step-up ön amfim ve pille çalışabilen ev yapımı bir RIAA ön amfim var, hiçbiri AC güçle çalışan donanımları hiçbir şekilde geride bırakmıyor.

Ve araba stereo amfileri hiçbir şekilde ev amfilerinden daha iyi performans göstermiyor.

Ayrıca, piller ağırdır ve sistem düzgün tasarlanmazsa aşırı yangın tehlikesi oluşturur. AC de tehlikelidir, ancak çoğu modern toplum bunu zor yoldan öğrenmiştir ve insanların kendilerini öldürmesini ve bu arada başkalarını da düşürmesini önlemek için kodlar ve düzenlemeler getirmiştir.

Aslında hangi sorunu çözmeye çalışıyorsunuz?
Zero ground loop
I think designing the entire sound system entirely according to DC is a figment of the imagination. Maybe even ridiculous. Maybe stupid. :)
I think designing the entire sound system entirely according to DC is a figment of the imagination. Maybe even ridiculous. Maybe stupid. :)
With all due respect I think you are right. :)
You could do it. But it would be a waste of time. So unless this is the single most important project in your life right now, I would suggest allocating your efforts elsewhere.
Zero ground loop
Actually, has a ground loop. Which is extremely susceptible to any AC in the environment. I think you have an incorrect idea about ground, evident in your first post, which has led you astray to a very expensive application of batteries, to fix a problem that isn't related to the type of power delivery, and likely to end up with a much noisier setup at incredible cost. My example of battery operated phono preamps are just as susceptible to system grounding issues as any piece of AC powered gear.

Also, none of my AC-powered systems have any audible ground loop issues, and I use extremely sensitive drivers so it actually matters.
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