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DAC recommation help for office (overwhelmed by choices)

But then why pay for something you don't intend to use?
I'm not saying OP should bypass the internal DAC.
I'm just saying that if for whatever reason OP wanted to bypass it, then he could.

That's in contrast to some other active monitors where both analog and digital inputs end up being routed through the internal DAC.

I felt like it was important to clarify this for OP's original question, though that has since evolved into a search for new speakers in favor of one for a new DAC.
I'm not saying OP should bypass the internal DAC.
I'm just saying that if for whatever reason OP wanted to bypass it, then he could.

That's in contrast to some other active monitors where both analog and digital inputs end up being routed through the internal DAC.

I felt like it was important to clarify this for OP's original question, though that has since evolved into a search for new speakers in favor of one for a new DAC.

And I appreciate that.
But then why pay for something you don't intend to use?
When I got the speakers they were a great price. I got them for $125 less than current going rate and at the time they stood out in the $375 price point. The form factor and general sound quality at the price was what sold me, I didn't buy them for the internal DAC but as I've used them over time I've realized I want more out of the system. I had wondered if the monitor DAC was a limiting factor but I no longer think that is the real weak link. I think the issues is that I have a $6K pair of speakers in my acoustically treated media room that has made entry level speakers just not sound great in comparison and I really need to either deal with that or pony up for a system that I can DSP etc in my office.
And I appreciate that.

When I got the speakers they were a great price. I got them for $125 less than current going rate and at the time they stood out in the $375 price point. The form factor and general sound quality at the price was what sold me, I didn't buy them for the internal DAC but as I've used them over time I've realized I want more out of the system. I had wondered if the monitor DAC was a limiting factor but I no longer think that is the real weak link. I think the issues is that I have a $6K pair of speakers in my acoustically treated media room that has made entry level speakers just not sound great in comparison and I really need to either deal with that or pony up for a system that I can DSP etc in my office.

Cool, thanks for taking the time to answer.

I would also keep in mind a near field desktop system will always sound different from one set up in a larger listening room.

When I really want top quality on my desktop system, I grab my headphones. :)
Cool, thanks for taking the time to answer.

I would also keep in mind a near field desktop system will always sound different from one set up in a larger listening room.

When I really want top quality on my desktop system, I grab my headphones. :)
I’ve just never been a headphones guy. Not due to sound quality but I just hate wearing them for long periods of time. I’m in love blind meetings 6-7 hours a day and then listening to music for another 2-3 hours in that work day. Not having headphones on that whole time is critical for me. There are just so many directions to go with this. Now I’m contemplating passive speakers as I reeally have zero need for any wireless connectivity. The thing with so many neat field monitors is they are so hideous looking. I wish that didn’t matter to me but when you look at them 9-10 hours a day it’s hard not to
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