I am not sure about what pass my QAM20 HD have. Would I be able to check that in their manuals?@Morph9683 I have Q3030i's with two 10" sub's and Yamaha amplifier. So getting a sub or two is improvement which you will definitely feel and getting a better DAC probably ain't. Main question is does M20 HD have a high pass to it's self when you use sub out? My setup is enough for fine 86~88 dB white noise (-20 dB) calibration point at 3 m and I really neither need or want louder. I am sure M20 HD can do the same at 2 m.
You should get a subwoofer (if you can regarding neighbours and such) and measurement microphone like UMIK-1. Play with them (including positioning) and learn to do PEQ's & measurements with REW and that's your best investment if you ask me at least.
I found this info on their website:Main question is does M20 HD have a high pass to it's self when you use sub out? My setup is enough for fine 86~88 dB white noise (-20 dB) calibration point at 3 m and I really neither need or want
That does not answer the question. The question was about the filter of the speakers themselves, not the subwoofer output. 300 Hz isn't very useful without any additional low-pass.I found this info on their website:
M20 - Q. Does the subwoofer output have any form of filter applied to it?
Yes, the M20 has a 2nd order low pass filter (LPF) at 300Hz applied to the subwoofer output which is also mono.
It would be more correct to say that it has a DAC function implemented in the amplifier (because the amplifier is digital - it can also be called a power DAC).It's still a has DAC, just integrated into the amplifiers.
There definitely isn't anything complicated in learning to adjust REW graphs (psy smoothing) and input path for microphone (including cal-ibration file). I didn't need starter video but sure there are some.I am not sure about what pass my QAM20 HD have. Would I be able to check that in their manuals?
I definitely need to learn how to do these things. Since I do not know anything about these, is there any recommended software to use with the microphone, and is it gonna be the same software I will use for PEQ and REW. Is there any beginner link/video I can educate myself with to get a headstart?
Please elaborate. Not able to how exactly? Are there any error messages?not able to play correctly 48,0, 96,0 and 192,0 khz in in my two different pc.
What audio player do you use and how are the settings made in it?I have problem with usb connection: not able to play correctly 48,0, 96,0 and 192,0 khz in in my two different pc.