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Bricasti M1SE Stereo DAC Review

Rate this DAC:

  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 117 30.2%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 140 36.2%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 113 29.2%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 17 4.4%

  • Total voters
10k indeed is a bit tough, but please consider:
- designed (and hand-built) in USA by very experienced pro-audio engineers (former Lexicon staff)
- designed for long service life and sustainability, with modules that can be replaced and options that can be added. It tells something that this product is still sold and receives updates after a decade.
- excellent implementation, especially the filters, It may well sound better than your $100 "throw-away" DAC.
- professional documentation.

That's why I voted "fine".

Other DACs that cost 100x less are made in the USA with everything you just mentioned. Conflating price to "throw away" is disingenuous.

A/B A Schiit Modi and this thing across experienced audiophiles and I bet the results are no better than random chance.

I'll give $100 for the extra inputs and knobs and materials. Otherwise, it's $9,800 overpriced.

I fail to see how this filter is problematic. No chance of audible aliasing here.
I'll give $100 for the extra inputs and knobs and materials. Otherwise, it's $9,800 overpriced.

Again a ridiculous over simplification.

For example if a DAC needs to support RCA and XLR connections then you need a more complicated power circuit or 2 separate power circuits as you need to support 2V and 4V.

Many simple scenarios like the above can have compounding effects on a system complexity and cost.
Again a ridiculous over simplification.

For example if a DAC needs to support RCA and XLR connections then you need a more complicated power circuit or 2 separate power circuits as you need to support 2V and 4V.

Many simple scenarios like the above can have compounding effects on a system complexity and cost.

You can get a Modius for $229 that does that.

There are plenty of other examples of having all of those features for a fraction of the cost that are implemented just as well.

I'm not oversimplifying anything. I'm citing examples that are relevant.

Do you think I can't find a DAC that performs just as well, can connect just as many devices, has a pretty case with quality knobs and buttons, and doesn't cost $10k?

If anything, you're attempting to over-complicate to justify the price. We already know It's done better, or just as well, for a small fraction of the price.

Took me two seconds to find : https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/motu-m4-audio-interface-review.15757/
Do you think I can't find a DAC that performs just as well, can connect just as many devices, has a pretty case with quality knobs and buttons, and doesn't cost $10k?

If anything, you're attempting to over-complicate to justify the price. We already know It's done better, or just as well, for a small fraction of the price.

Try reading what I posted earlier today, before you start making assumptions that make you look foolish!
Try reading what I posted earlier today, before you start making assumptions that make you look foolish!

What does your reply to another person have to do with my point that this is $9800 overpriced? You claimed I was oversimplifying the situation. I provided evidence that I'm not. Now you're insinuating that I'm foolish. How about you back your point with evidence in a rational way. Explain to me how I'm oversimplifying any of this with logic and reason instead of attempting this half-assed ad-hominem. Maybe I'll believe you and change my mind.

Last edited:
You claimed I was oversimplifying the situation. I provided evidence that I'm not. Now you're insinuating that I'm foolish. How about you back your point with evidence in a rational way.

Since you edited you post to add the bit about the M4, perhaps you should look a little harder, because The XLR ports are inputs not outputs!
Since you edited you post to add the bit about the M4, perhaps you should look a little harder, because The XLR ports are inputs not outputs!
4 x 1/4" TRS line out (balanced, DC coupled)

TRS to XLR cable is $10

My deepest apologies. Please add $20 to the cost if that helps. It's now $240. So much more expensive. Very close to $10,000
I'll give $100 for the extra inputs and knobs and materials. Otherwise, it's $9,800 overpriced.

What you give describes value to you. Interesting to someone wanting to sell you a (low-priced) DAC, etc. Why is that interesting otherwise?
What you give describes value to you. Interesting to someone wanting to sell you a (low-priced) DAC, etc. Why is that interesting otherwise?

I don't understand your question. Where did I claim whatever was interesting? Or are you trying to make a different point?
4 x 1/4" TRS line out (balanced, DC coupled)

TRS to XLR cable is $10

My deepest apologies. Please add $20 to the cost if that helps. It's now $240. So much more expensive. Very close to $10,000

You've added additional points of failure in your signal chain by using adapters. TRS to XLR cables would be a far better option but also more expensive.
6' Mogami Gold - $59.95

One of the benefits of XLR outputs is being able to directly drive higher end active speakers. But that requires a "preamp mode" that the M4 doesn't seem to have. Additionally in his review amirm noted output voltage was 5.2V that's well above standard line level!
I don't understand your question. Where did I claim whatever was interesting? Or are you trying to make a different point?

So you don't find your price comparison posts interesting either? That makes sense.
You've added additional points of failure in your signal chain by using adapters. TRS to XLR cables would be a far better option but also more expensive.
6' Mogami Gold - $59.95

One of the benefits of XLR outputs is being able to directly drive higher end active speakers. But that requires a "preamp mode" that the M4 doesn't seem to have. Additionally in his review amirm noted output voltage was 5.2V that's well above standard line level!
$8.99 for one. I don't know why $59.95 is a consideration, at all.

A cable isn't remotely a concern as a "point of failure" any more than the traces on the board on the DAC. This is a non issue.

The benefit of XLR is the noise cancellation. The 4v typical output is because of how the the two signal carrying lines are rectified. There is nothing that says RCA or XLR can't go above 2v and 4v respectively. They're just 2v and 4v because of a, sort of, soft industry standard. Then there is amplifier input sensitivity. A Crown 2502, for example, only needs 0.6v to reach max output. So it doesn't matter if you feed it 2v, 4v, or 5.2v, it's still going to clip the amp.

What does any of that have to do with my argument that the amp in this review is $9800 overpriced?
So you don't find your price comparison posts interesting either? That makes sense.

I asked you to clarify. Instead you go straight to an irrational fallacy. Would you like to try again?

Price comparison posts are interesting to me. Is that all you wanted to know?
A cable isn't remotely a concern as a "point of failure" any more than the traces on the board on the DAC. This is a non issue.

The cable isn't the potential point of failure, the adapter is. Every non permanent (threaded or solder) connection is a potential point of failure (aka where an issue can occur).

Then there is amplifier input sensitivity. A Crown 2502, for example, only needs 0.6v to reach max output. So it doesn't matter if you feed it 2v, 4v, or 5.2v, it's still going to clip the amp.
Clipping is the point, if you are well above the expected input level you will get clipping. How bad the clipping is depends purely on the safety margin designed into the devise on the receiving end.

What does any of that have to do with my argument that the amp in this review is $9800 overpriced?

Because your (and many other users) anything priced above the cheapest audibly transparent DAC is overpriced retort is presumptuous and short sighted (imo). And to be clear I"m not talking about just this review. You can find people calling DACs in the $200 to $250 range overpriced and horrible because they can find one for les than $100 that meets their specific needs.
the company offers the possibility of updating the M1 both at software and machine level. So USB port, power supply etc.etc.

If a Bricasti customer purchased it 10 years ago, he could find the machine updated and with measurements that are still "competent" today.

This is an important aspect.

If I think that with my modern SINAD record DAC, the company didn't even answer me to a very trivial question about its use... And the day it has a problem, I'll throw 500-odd euros in the bin....

It's true that 10,000 euros is a lot, but I think that from 2011 to today, I have changed at least 5 DACs, and I haven't spent that amount, but I have certainly spent an amount that is close to a used M1... .

5 ?! Try to get off the upgrade merry go round . DAC’s does not need to be changed unless it’s broken or your short of inputs or features.

Done that thing when I was a card carrying audiophile who “believed” :)
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