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Best DIY speaker kit for (good) sound for around $1000


Striving For Balance
Forum Donor
Jan 14, 2020
North Coast, USA
The original OP apparently orphaned this thread days after he posted and so have taken ownership. He gave both a target price and an example commercial target. There are already several threads with best DIY speaker titles so I updated this one to be more specific. Hopefully this should keep the posts more on topic.

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I am a cabinet maker and I would like to make my own speaker towers. I want something like the Triangle Borea BR09 or even better. I want the best sound possible but know very little about hardware of speakers. I listen to all genres of music so it's hard to pinpoint what exactly I need. I listen to alot of guitar music, hip hop and reggae if that helps but I need for more genres too. My room is around 20 square meters. What hardware should I buy to make these speakers. For the cabinet i can make pretty much anything possible so thats not an issue and don't mind spending alot of time making them if they just sound amazing. Would like to buy the hardware for around 1000 euro but I'm very open to spend alot more if it's really worth it. What would you recommend?

Triangle Borea BR09​

The Curt Campbell / Jim Holtz Anthology seems around your price range and form factor. The Statement IIs are a little bit more money and a little bit different arrangement. I have no personal experience with either kit and am unaware of real measurements (measuring big towers is a hassle, too) and these are older kits but Curt / Jim's stuff tends to have a good reputation.
The Curt Campbell / Jim Holtz Anthology seems around your price range and form factor. The Statement IIs are a little bit more money and a little bit different arrangement. I have no personal experience with either kit and am unaware of real measurements (measuring big towers is a hassle, too) and these are older kits but Curt / Jim's stuff tends to have a good reputation.
Welcome to ASR!

Despite being older designs, will second speakerdesignworks designs and add this one: https://heissmann-acoustics.de/en/dxt-wave-xl-fusion/ The heismann may be pricey for you unless you are buying new electronics too.

There is a gentlemen trying to sell a Selah Chiarezza kit on the forum if want a more recent design. It is quite a bit more than your budget though.
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If I could make cabinets it would be the Bordeaux's.

I've been looking for someone to make just the bass module cabinets. I have a pair of Great Heils that I picked up cheap and was thinking I could get those modules to play to 1600 in a two way.

Wonderful full range single driver speakers similar to the Pearl Acoustics Sibelius on youtube. No crossover or circuits to get in the way of the sound and a great design for a DIY cabinet builder.

Check out the JBL Paragon if you really are a cabinet maker. Two of these, one in the middle of each of side wall would sound stunning and provide visual ambiance as well.
Pretty sure Paragon plans, or at least dimensioned drawings, are "out there" (so to speak), as well. :)
They don't sound very good, unfortunately. -- though they are gorgeous in that swaggering 1960s America can do no wrong way. ;)
I am a cabinet maker and I would like to make my own speaker towers. I want something like the Triangle Borea BR09 or even better. I want the best sound possible but know very little about hardware of speakers. I listen to all genres of music so it's hard to pinpoint what exactly I need. I listen to alot of guitar music, hip hop and reggae if that helps but I need for more genres too. My room is around 20 square meters. What hardware should I buy to make these speakers. For the cabinet i can make pretty much anything possible so thats not an issue and don't mind spending alot of time making them if they just sound amazing. Would like to buy the hardware for around 1000 euro but I'm very open to spend alot more if it's really worth it. What would you recommend?

Triangle Borea BR09​

Wayne Parham’s pispeakers are worth a look. He provides proper measurements (inc off axis), free plans and good support.
Since you're a cabinet maker you may enjoy Troels Graveson's designs at http://www.troelsgravesen.dk/Diy_Loudspeaker_Projects.htm

You can buy crossovers, plans, and drivers at http://www.jantzen-audio.com

They do tend to use expensive drivers though, so the larger designs may be more money than you want to spend.
I built one of these designs- I highly recommend them. I’m going to build another design when I can. Look at something like the Discovery 4 or SBA 861 for more affordable reference designs. My next set is likely the CNO 4, although C is very much an O for me.
CBTs! I have the CBT24 and LXStudios - I wonder what the overlap is between LX dipole owners and Keele CBT owners? My wife is very tolerant of my habit of collecting speakers with interesting radiation patterns.
CBTs! I have the CBT24 and LXStudios - I wonder what the overlap is between LX dipole owners and Keele CBT owners? My wife is very tolerant of my habit of collecting speakers with interesting radiation patterns.
I am in Silver Spring, MD, where are you?
Because you have not given us your location, I must guess. If you are in Europe, Humble Homemade Hifi (long associated with Tony Gee) makes good kits. Parts should be easier to get.

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