Note there are two products here, acourate (the filter designer) and acourate convolver (the actual convolver). You need the former if you use the latter but you can feed acourate generated filters to any convolver (that doesn't use a proprietary format). My comments are about acourate as I use jriver as the convolver.
Yes. You clearly understand what I'm looking for, ........Acourate just for filter design,
and not to be used as a convolver.
I don't think so. I am not sure any convolver that needs to access ASIO drivers can, because they need exclusive access to ASIO devices.
Ideally, I'd like to use Acourate without even seeing convolver section. (see above reply to
Why do you want to run multiple instances? Also, don't forget that Acourate Convolver requires .CPV files for filters and it will not work unless you have Acourate software. I am not aware of anything else that can generate .CPV files apart from Acourate.
I like to have a filter design instance running for each section of the multi-way I'm working on.
It helps to quickly generate sets of FIR files with varying xover types/points/orders for each driver section.
The Acourate FIR wav files are all i need. CSV would be better, but wav works.
THE best ABX comparator I have tried is Hang Loose, filters switch instantaneously with no lag whatsoever and no audible pause. Acourate Convolver has a very slight pause, I am guesstimating about 1/4 of a second. It is enough to interrupt the music and my concentration when I am trying to focus on audible differences between filters.
Qsys, with its nearly unlimited preset capability, allows instantaneous glitch free switching between filter sets, even for FIR files.
I find the preset design capability quite extraordinary.
I'm currently comparing a 5-way speaker who's sections have so much frequency range overlap,
it can be used as a 4-way, or at the extreme as a 3-way.
Qsys allows instant switching between those scenarios; changing all the necessary xovers, filters, level adjustments, amp mutings, etc.
The only thing I've found it can't change instantly, is the wiring between speaker sections and amps Lol.
So bottom line for me...not looking for a convolver or a comparator.